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Some decades later, and with an endurance stroke that far outclassed classic Leander's, Simon Binswanger had swum the great Hellespont that surged between the Lower East Side and the Upper West Side, and, trolling his family after, landed them in one of those stucco-fronted, elevator-service apartment-houses where home life is lived on the layer, and the sins of the extension sole and the self-playing piano are visited upon the neighbor below.

We're gaining! Hurrah! Stick to it!" "Come, boys," called Mr Clare. "Come, we can't wait for you longer!" I believe that lent five pounds of extra strength to every arm in my boat. We were nearing Leander's Rock. Ay! and we were steadily gaining on our tutors. They, too, saw that, but could do no better. Having a steersman, gave our boat an advantage of rounding the Rock closely.

The mischievous soubrette goes into convulsions of laughter, whilst her mistress nods encouragingly to Leander. Meantime Pandolphe, accompanied by the notary, turns the corner of one of the streets and enters the square just in time to see Leander's extraordinary exploit, whereat he is horrified and amazed.

"You understand us well enough," said the ex-foreigner, with an awful imprecation on all Leander's salient features; "but you shall have it all in black and white. We're the party that invented and carried out that little job at Wricklesmarsh Court." "Burglars! Do you mean you're burglars?" cried the terrified Leander.

He could not even make up his mind on so elementary a point as Leander's guilt or innocence. But he meant to take the course he had announced, and his frankness in giving previous notice was not without calculation.

If Yerby had not come for the boy, he himself had done no damage in disclosing Leander's whereabouts. Once more his quickly illumined anger was kindled against Tarbetts, who had caused him a passing but poignant self-reproach. "Waal, then, Hilary," he demanded, "what air ye a-raisin' sech a row fur? Lee-yander ain't noways so special precious ez I knows on.

When she entered it, she was agreeably surprised to see such a company of little mutes, every one decked with watches, bracelets, diamond buckles, or necklaces; and the most remarkable of them held a picture-box in its hand, which the princess opening, found it contained Leander's portrait.

Nehemiah hardly waited for it to subside before he made an effort to divert Leander's attention. "An' what air you-uns doin' hyar?" he demanded. "Tit for tat." "Why," bluffly declared Leander, "I be a-runnin' away from you-uns. An' I 'lowed the still war one place whar I'd be sure o' not meetin' ye.

This conviction made his heart burn with wrath, which he could scarce subdue even whilst worshipping the crucified Christ. His victim's heresy would of course be Leander's excuse for what he had done; the daughter of Maximus and the Gothic maiden were held in restraint for their souls' good.

The stream was a little stream; yet Dante felt it as great an intervention between them, as if it had been Leander's Hellespont. The lady explained to him the nature of the place, and how the rivulet was the Lethe of Paradise; Lethe, where he stood, but called Eunoe higher up; the drink of the one doing away all remembrance of evil deeds, and that of the other restoring all remembrance of good.