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I was continually to glorify the stupidity of the people, and always append a moral. For a time I even succeeded in working myself up into a lathering frenzy of belief in what I was doing. The bedrock of life in the Middle West is the wheat harvest. There was a man named Carl Bonton who owned a threshing machine. I heard he was in need of hands for the season.

He complied, and then proceeded to wash himself. At that time in the morning any Christian would have washed his face; but Queequeg, to my amazement, contented himself with restricting his ablutions to his chest, arms, and hands. He then donned his waistcoat, and taking up a piece of hard soap on the wash-stand centre table, dipped it into water and commenced lathering his face.

At the top of the next grade the lathering, restive ponies finally settled to a stubborn trot. "Mad clean through," said Collie. "I should say they were behaving well enough," said the doctor, not as much as an opinion as to relieve his tense nerves in speech. "When a bronc' gets to acting ladylike, then is the time to look out," said Collie. "Boyar and Apache have never been in harness before.

The lavatrina, as designed in the plan of the large Turkish bath appended, however, is the most convenient apparatus to facilitate the orthodox method of lathering and washing oneself in this style of bathing, as distinct from the ordinary method of immersion in a large body of water; and as the former manner is the most economical of water, it is unnecessary, in providing a Turkish bath in a house, to make any increased provision for the supply of hot and cold water over and above that which would be allowed for an ordinary slipper-bath.

The skin may be stimulated by a smart sponging with vinegar or weak acetic acid, and a rubbing all over with soap lather, and afterwards with hot olive oil. This lathering and rubbing to be done at another time from the first rubbing for the lungs. Then apply a large warm bran poultice to the lower part of the back behind the kidneys.

Near our carriage a Turk was making coffee on a portable stove and selling the beverage to thirsty customers; an itinerant barber placed his portable stool beside our carriage wheel, opened his kit of tools and was soon busy lathering and shaving dusky faces; a water peddler with his jar on his back played a tune on tumblers by rubbing them with his fingers; a cake peddler's table was upset by passing dragoons and he mournfully picked up the fragments.

A stubble of your growth, sir, always requires a double lathering don't speak. Oh, sir, you are a happy man exceeding. Your face will be as smooth as a man's borrowing money. You, boy, just run up the after-hatchway, and tell the captain's steward that Mr Pigtop will be in the cabin in the flourish of a razor, or before a white horse can turn grey.

In making these palm-oil soaps it is better to err on the side of a little excess of free oil or fat, but if more than 1 per cent. of free fat be present, lathering qualities are then interfered with. Oleic acid soaps are excellent, but are rather expensive for wool; they are generally used for silks.

I felt certain that the barber would return before I could finish lathering him this time; but he did not and I was obliged to wipe off his face again, and had succeeded in giving one more coat of lather, when he raised up in the chair and said: "Great guns! ain't you ever going to shave me?" "Oh!" I answered, with apparent surprise, "do you want to get shaved?"

A "corded" breast may usually quite easily be cured, and the patient should be made perfectly easy in mind about it. Apply this night and morning, gently lathering the breast for some time. After this, each time, rub the back well with hot olive oil, so as to produce a thorough glow of heat all over it. Sometimes the swelling will disperse under this treatment.