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And she must have perceived his depth, if only she had taken a moment to think of it. Because when she plumped, like a child, into his arms, how came his arms to be so wide open? and when two great tears rolled down her cheeks, how sprang his handkerchief so impromptu out from beneath his braided lappet?

The peasant gave a wild scream of delight, and poured forth a volume of words, of which Rupert understood nothing; but the peasant kneeling beside him, bent his forehead till it touched the ground, and then kissed the lappet of his coat an action expressive of the intensity of his gratitude.

It was patterned, and parted towards the two sides, while a richly adorned lappet, terminating in uraei, fell down in front. The girdle, from which it depended, was also patterned, and the shenti thus arranged was sometimes a not inelegant garment.

"We shall be better here," said Edie, seating himself on the stone bench, and stretching the lappet of his blue gown upon the spot, when he motioned Lovel to sit down beside him "we shall be better here than doun below; the air's free and mild, and the savour of the wallflowers, and siccan shrubs as grow on thae ruined wa's, is far mair refreshing than the damp smell doun below yonder.

A woman, old and bent, and looking not unlike the witch she called herself. A hood of brown sat on her white hair; a brown lappet was thrown about her, and she supported herself by means of a staff. Her black eyes regarded the girl with keenness from under her shaggy brows. "Now thou art brave, forsooth, who dares take shelter here," she said.

She had hold of the lappet of his coat; she had kept it in her hand even while she detached herself from his embrace. There was a white flower in his buttonhole that she looked at and played with a moment before she said; "I've a better idea you needn't come to Griffin. Stay in your studio do as you like paint dozens of pictures." "Dozens? Barbarian!" Nick wailed.

As he turned out of the hot sunshine into the shelter of a narrow street, took off the black cloth berretta, or simple cap with upturned lappet, which just crowned his brown curls, pushing his hair and tossing his head backward to court the cooler air, there was no brand of duplicity on his brow; neither was there any stamp of candour: it was simply a finely-formed, square, smooth young brow.

Notwithstanding the homeliness of the action, there is here a religious and mysterious significance, prefiguring the Baptism. N. Poussin. Mary, assisted by angels, washes and dresses her Child. V. Salimbeni. An Interior. Mary and Joseph are occupied by the Child. Elizabeth is spinning. More in front St. John is carrying two puppies in the lappet of his coat, and the dog is leaping up to him.

'Ah, Viktor Alexandritch, what it will be like for me to be without you! she said suddenly. Victor rubbed the glass on the lappet of his coat and put it back in his pocket. You can see for yourself! me and the master could never stay on here; it will soon be winter now, and winter in the country you know yourself is simply disgusting. It's quite another thing in Petersburg!

They wear a neat little lappet, about six inches long, of beads, or of small iron rings, worked like a coat of mail, in lieu of a fig-leaf, and the usual tail of fine shreds of leather or twine, spun from indigenous cotton, pendant behind. Both the lappet and tail are fastened on a belt which is worn round the loins, like those in the Shir tribe; thus the toilette is completed at once.