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"Barbarossa disabled and sinking," he cried. "Gott im Himmel! Der alte Barbarossa! Aber welch ein braver krieger!" He walked about the swinging cabin, and for a time he was wholly German. Then he became English again. "Think of it, Smallways! The old ship we kept so clean and tidy! All smashed about, and the iron flying about in fragments, and the chaps one knew Gott! flying about too!

There were times when Molly Brandeis herself could not resist the spell of his tongue. No one knew where Aloysius got his information. He had news that Winnebago's two daily papers never could get, and wouldn't have dared to print if they had. "Did you hear about Myrtle Krieger," he would begin, "that's marryin' the Hempel boy next month? The one in the bank.

The following is another fearful instance of their power and vengeance, related by Mr. Burchell, a South African traveller. "Carl Krieger was a fearless hunter, and being an excellent marksman, often ventured into the most dangerous situations.

Tilt gives the average age of the cessation of menstruation in 1082 cases as forty-five years and nine months. The average age is between forty-five and fifty years. It has been shown by Krieger, Kisch, and others, that the earlier the menses appear, the later they cease, and vice versa. However, when the first period is unusually early or late, the menopause comes very early.

Nor have the Boers any wish to conceal the meanness of thus employing unpaid labor; on the contrary, every one of them, from Mr. Potgeiter and Mr. Gert Krieger, the commandants, downward, lauded his own humanity and justice in making such an equitable regulation. "We make the people work for us, in consideration of allowing them to live in our country."

Krieger, asked him why the Boers used the variety of cartridge that was not sanctioned by the rules of civilised warfare. Dr. Krieger took the cartridge in his hand and, after examining it, returned it to Sir Charles with the remark that it was a British Lee-Metford dum-dum.

Krieger, General Meyer's Staff Physician, went into General Sir Charles Warren's camp for the purpose of exchanging wounded prisoners. After the interchange of prisoners had been accomplished General Warren produced a dum-dum bullet which had been found on a dead Boer's body and, showing it to Dr.

'Who would have thought it of him? cried Sir Stephen, with flashing eyes, as Buyse and Saxon rode out to meet him. 'What think ye now of our noble monarch, our champion of the Protestant cause? 'He is no very great Krieger, said Buyse. 'Yet perhaps it may be from want of habit as much as from want of courage. 'Courage! cried the old Mayor, in a voice of scorn.

It's funny ain't it? how them garmints that you wouldn't turn for a second look at on the clothesline or in a store winda' becomes kind of wicked and interestin' the minute they get what they call the human note. There it lays, that virgin lawnjerie, for all the county to look at, with pink ribbons run through everything, and the poor Krieger girl never dreamin' she's doin' somethin' indelicate.

Over the grave of Hector Macleod is no proud and pathetic inscription such as marks the last resting-place of a young lieutenant who perished at Gravelotte Er ruht saft in wiedererkampfter deutscher Erde but the young Highland officer was well beloved by his comrades, and when the dead were being pitched into the great holes dug for them, and when rude hands were preparing the simple record, painted on a wooden cross "Hier liegen tapfere Krieger" a separate memento was placed over the grave of Under-lieutenant Hector Macleod of the th Imperial and Royal Cavalry Regiment.