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Updated: August 21, 2024

"What I am? why, wha should I be but Ringan Aikwood, the Knockwinnock poinder? and what are ye doing here at this time o' night, unless ye were come to attend the leddy's burial?" "I do declare to you, mine goot Poinder Aikwood," said the German, raising himself up, "that I have been this vary nights murdered, robbed, and put in fears of my life."

He informed him abruptly that Miss Wardour sent her compliments, and remained in attendance on her father, and then, taking him by the arm, he led him out of the castle. Knockwinnock still preserved much of the external attributes of a baronial castle.

The Antiquary is a frequent visitor at Knockwinnock and Glenallan House, ostensibly for the sake of completing two essays, one on the mail-shirt of the Great Earl, and the other on the left-hand gauntlet of Hell-in-Harness. On one occasion he happened to ask John Ballantyne, who was sitting by him, to hunt for a particular passage in Beaumont and Fletcher.

Heukbane; "pride will hae a fa' he hasna settled his account wi' my gudeman, the deacon, for this twalmonth he's but slink, I doubt." "Nor wi' huz for sax months," echoed Mrs. Shortcake "He's but a brunt crust." "There's a letter," interrupted the trusty postmistress, "from his son, the captain, I'm thinking the seal has the same things wi' the Knockwinnock carriage.

Then turning to Oldbuck "I am awa' to the manse, your honour. Has your honour ony word there, or to Sir Arthur, for I'll come in by Knockwinnock Castle again e'en?"

"I wish," at length she said, but almost in a whisper, as if ashamed to express her increasing apprehensions, "I wish we had kept the road we intended, or waited at Monkbarns for the carriage." Sir Arthur looked round, but did not see, or would not acknowledge, any signs of an immediate storm. They would reach Knockwinnock, he said, long before the tempest began.

"No," answered Edie, impatiently "could I but get to Tannonburgh. In the name of Heaven, Captain, contrive some way to get me on, and ye'll do this poor ruined family the best day's doing that has been done them since Redhand's days for as sure as e'er an auld saw came true, Knockwinnock house and land will be lost and won this day." "Why, what good can you do, old man?" said Hector.

"I should soon be a dead weight off him, my friend," said the Antiquary. "What the devil, nephew, are you weary of me? or do you suppose me weary of my life, that I should get on the back of such a Bucephalus as that? No, no, my friend, if I am to be at Knockwinnock to-day, it must be by walking quietly forward on my own feet, which I will do with as little delay as possible.

"Sweepclean," said he, as he entered, to the officer who stood respectfully at the door, "you must sweep yourself clean out of Knockwinnock Castle, with all your followers, tag-rag and bob-tail. Seest thou this paper, man?"

He informed him abruptly that Miss Wardour sent her compliments, and remained in attendance on her father, and then, taking him by the arm, he led him out of the castle. Knockwinnock still preserved much of the external attributes of a baronial castle.

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