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In ten minutes they were on the trail, Andrew leading, with Father Wills' dogs, Kaviak lying in the sled muffled to the eyes, still looking round out of the corners no, strangely enough, the Kaviak eye had no corners, but fixedly he stared sideways at Mac.

"You run in, Kaviak, or you'll have no ears." But that gentleman pulled up his hood and stood his ground. "How did it get on the roof, in the name o' the nation?" asked the Colonel, stamping his feet. "Never hear of Santa Claus? Didn't I tell you, Kaviak, he drove his reindeer team over the roofs?" "Did you hear any dogs go by in the night?"

He had never for a moment found the trail so smooth that he could return his burden to the sled. Now, however, he allowed Nicholas and the priest to catch up with him. "You carry him the rest of the way," he commanded, and set his burden in Nicholas's arms. Kaviak was ill-pleased, but Mac, falling behind with the priest, stalked on with eyes upon the ground.

Even the death's head at the feast regretted the long postponement of so spirited a programme, interspersed, as it promised to be, with songs, dances, and "tricks," and winding up with an original poem, "He won't be happy till he gets it." Benham's Indian had got up and gone out. Kaviak had tried to go too, but the door was slammed in his face.

Kaviak was formally introduced, but instead of responding to his hosts' attentions, the only thing he seemed to care about, or even see, was something that in the hurly-burly everybody else overlooked the decorations.

"That's enough, greedy." "Now go away and gobble." But Kaviak daintily skimmed off the syrupy top, and left his mush almost as high a hill as before. It wasn't long after the dinner, things had been washed up, and the Colonel settled down to the magazines he was reading the advertisements now that Potts drew out his watch. "Golly! do you fellers know what o'clock it is?"

Got to keep him for a Christmas turkey." "Well, I'll just see if I can make it a brace." The Colonel went home, hung his trophy outside to freeze, and found the Trio had decamped to the Little Cabin. He glanced up anxiously to see if the demijohn was on the shelf. Yes, and Kaviak sound asleep in the bottom bunk.

But the benumbed and miserable Potts kept his eyes on Kaviak, as if hypnotised by the strange new death-look in the little face. "Well, I can't carry you up," said the Boy; and after a second he began to rub Potts furiously, glancing over now and then to see if Kaviak was coming to, while Mac, dumb and tense, laboured on without success.

The two travellers looked back, laughing and nodding, as jolly as you please. The Boy stooped, made a snow-ball, and fired it at Kaviak. The child ducked, chuckling, and returned as good as he got. His loosely packed ball broke in a splash on the back of the Boy's parki, and Kaviak was loudly cheered. Still, as they went forward, they looked back.

He gave the new order with the old authoritative gesture. "And where's the liniment I lent you that you're so generous with?" Mac arraigned O'Flynn. "Go and get it." Under Nicholas's hands Kaviak was forced to relinquish not only the baby hare, but his own elf locks.