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Jose at times will take my place, and can when he likes perch on one of the most lightly laden animals." "How much will the riding mules cost?" "I can get fair ones for about fifty dollars apiece; trade is slack at present owing to the troubles, and there are many who would be glad to get rid of one or two of their train."

The conditions of the Cubans were in no way improved and, some time before the outbreak, they began preparations for armed resistance. The notable leader and instigator of the movement was José Marti, a patriot, a poet, and a dreamer, but a man of action.

On its upper surface, in letters two feet long, which can be read plainly for a mile away, is cut the simple name This is John Brown's grave, and the place, the boulder; and the inscription are alike fitting to the man he was. Dust to dust; ashes to ashes; granite to granite; the last of the Puritans! Address before the California State Normal School, at San José, 1892.

Argalls, he had informed Yerba that he had documentary testimony that she was the daughter of the late Jose de Arguello, and legally entitled to bear his name. A copy of the instructions given to his wife, recognizing Yerba Buena, the ward of the San Francisco Trust, as his child and hers, and leaving to the mother the choice of making it known to her and others, was inclosed.

"Upon my soul!" he exclaimed, "one would think I was simple-minded, the way you act! D'you think a man never scowled my way before? D'you think I'm afraid of José? D'you think I don't know enough to take care of myself? What the devil do you think? Can't go on rodeo you're afraid I might get hurt!

José had the good luck to see him again, even to speak to him. What fortune what happiness! The honest fellow felt himself overjoyed. They were to be friends again. It was quite late when he found himself walking homeward over the white road again. He had drunk wine enough to make him feel quite gay; and as he went he sang now and then a verse of a song about the joys of the bull-fight.

"When I settled up my affairs out West, I wired Dan, and he brought Tia Juana and José down to Victoria to meet me. There I found Mr. Thode again.

"Marmont has left three-fourths of his scaling ladders behind in Tammames. Ciudad Rodrigo he will not attempt; I doubt if he means business with Almeida. If you please," he added, "José and I will push after and discover his real business, while you carry to Lord Wellington a piece of news it will do him good to hear."

That key and the name of Raymon Sorillo will obtain it for you from every patriot in the mountains of Peru. For the present, farewell. When you return from Chili we shall meet again." Without waiting for my thanks he bade adieu to José and then, spurring his horse into a gallop, he disappeared.

I could not keep up with them, because I was so weak, but managed to come up to their camp every night." Upon receipt of this communication I wrote Mr. McGlashan from San Jose that I was nerved for the ordeal, but that he should not permit me to start on that momentous journey if his proposed arrangements were at all doubtful, and that he should telegraph me at once.