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Updated: August 23, 2024

It will be remembered that Boz was rather particular about this picture, and suggested some minute alterations. Bantam, the M.C., or "the Grand Master" as Boz oddly calls him, was drawn from life from an eccentric functionary named Jervoise. I have never been quite able to understand his odd hypothesis about Mr. Pickwick being "the gentleman who had the waters bottled and sent to Clapham."

We left the ship as soon as possible, and in about an hour we had taken forty-three tons of coal on board and nearly twenty tons of water. The work was rapidly performed by coolies. It was a great disappointment to be told by the harbour-master that the Governor of the Straits Settlement and Lady Jervoise were to leave at eleven o'clock for Johore.

BLAYNE. Well, look here anyhow. If it's like that as you say I say fifty. CURTISS. I say fifty. MACKESY. I go twenty better. DOONE. Bloated Croesus of the Bar! I say fifty. Jervoise, what do you say? Hi! Wake up! JERVOISE. Eh? What's that? What's that? CURTISS. We want a hundred rupees from you. You're a bachelor drawing a gigantic income, and there's a man in a hole. JERVOISE. What man?

This state of affairs was maintained until Lord Derby recalled Jervoise, who was then Secretary, from Rome, and from that date even this measure of diplomatic representation at the Vatican has ceased to exist. The Bill of 1848, as we have seen, was directed to the establishment of relations with "the Court of Rome."

Tom engaged a very good pilot to bring the yacht round, but at the last moment thought that he should like to bring her himself; the result being that he arrived rather late for dinner. The Maharajah and most of the party were out shooting when we arrived; but Sir William Jervoise met us and showed us round the place, and also arranged about rooms for us to dress in.

MACKESY. Then I've met her. She was at Lucknow last season. 'Owned a permanently juvenile Mamma, and danced damnably. I say, Jervoise, you knew the Threegans, didn't you? What's that? Knew who? How? I thought I was at Home, confound you! MACKESY. The Threegan girl's engaged, so Blayne says. Bless my soul! I'm getting an old man! Little Minnie Threegan engaged.

DOONE. Yes, poor brute. That smashed Benoit's chances of promotion altogether. Mrs. Benoit used to ask: 'Was you goin' to the dance this evenin'? CURTISS. Hang it all! Gaddy hasn't married beneath him. There's no tar-brush in the family, I suppose. JERVOISE. Tar-brush! Not an anna. You young fellows talk as though the man was doing the girl an honour in marrying her.

We found the Governor and his family did not start until 11.30, and they kindly begged us to return to breakfast at half-past nine, which we did. Before finally leaving, Sir William Jervoise sent for the Colonial Secretary, and asked him to look after us in his absence. He turned out to be an old schoolfellow and college friend of Tom's at Rugby and Oxford; so the meeting was a very pleasant one.

In the meantime he had been presented by the Jervoise family to the rectory of Tunworth, and resided for a short time at that place. In 1756, appeared the first volume of his Essay on the genius and writings of Pope, dedicated to Young.

I remember when Threegan married Miss Derwent daughter of old Hooky Derwent but that was before your time. And so the little baby's engaged to have a little baby of her own! Who's the other fool? MACKESY. Gadsby of the Pink Hussars. JERVOISE. 'Never met him. Threegan lived in debt, married in debt, and'll die in debt. 'Must be glad to get the girl off his hands.

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