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"Quite naturally, Miss Crawford. My father is William Conniston, Senior. Maybe you have heard of him?" He was proud to be his father's son, to have his own name so intimately connected with that of a man who was not only a millionaire many times over, but who was a power in Wall Street and known as such to the four ends of the earth. "Yes. I have heard of him. He made his own money, didn't he?

He was sufficiently skillful as a broker to number Jay Gould among his customers and to inspire a prophecy by William C. Whitney that, if he retained his health, he would become one of the richest men in the country. Afterwards, when he knew him more intimately, Whitney elaborated this estimate by saying that Ryan was "the most adroit, suave, and noiseless man he had ever known."

The luckless individual whose duties obliged him to make frequent journeys from the steamboat landing to the principal hotel, became intimately acquainted with its character. Sad, unfortunate, derided Cairo! Your visitors depart with unpleasant memories. Only your inhabitants, who hold titles to corner lots, speak loudly in your praise.

And so this hour's companionship, from nine to ten in the evening, became a regular custom just one hour and no more, which Roger spent with his daughter, intimately and pleasantly. Yes, life was certainly smoothing out. Edith's three older children had been reinstated in school.

Oxygen has been proved to be indispensable, and hence we see a reason for the luminous organs in the glow-worm being so intimately connected, as above mentioned, with the air-tubes that ramify through the insect. This fact of itself might be taken as a strong indication of the chemical nature of the process to which phosphorescence is due.

“I have,” said my visitor, “with great interest listened to you speaking in different houses the last few days and I wanted at last to make your personal acquaintance, so as to talk to you more intimately. Can you, dear sir, grant me this favor?”

"My work has led me rather intimately into people's lives, and I am willing to go on record as saying that fifty per cent of marriages are unhappy more or less. Whether that is a motive for murder depends entirely on the temper and temperament of the married ones themselves. But it is very rarely that a wife kills her husband." "Why, there are lots of cases in the papers," said Miss Ames.

Erotic symbolism is not intellectual but emotional in its origin; it starts into being, obscurely, with but a dim consciousness or for the most part none at all, either suddenly from the shock of some usually youthful experience, or more gradually through an instinctive brooding on those things which are most intimately associated with a sexually desirable person.

This subject is intimately connected with that of the gradation of the characters, often accompanied by a change of function, for instance, the conversion of a swim-bladder into lungs, points which were discussed in the last chapter under two headings. Nevertheless, I will here consider in some detail several of the cases advanced by Mr.

Yet who were his friends? Could any one tell? I could not find a person who claimed to know him intimately. Everybody had something to praise him for: "But it was such a pity that" and here would follow one of the thousand bits of gossip which were floating about and had been floating for years, I had seen M -y often, for he was no recluse, and could be met daily in the streets.