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Reference is made at present only to the last mentioned the box shaped type, made of stone slabs. If the evidence shows that this variety is found only in certain districts, pertains to a certain class of works, and is usually accompanied by certain types of art, we are warranted in using it as an ethnic characteristic, or as indicating the presence of particular tribes.

"You heard?" he asked sharply. "I've heard Mercy is back." Buck watched him turn away to continue his survey of the horses. "So have you I s'pose," the older man went on a moment later, indicating the horses. "Yep. Guess they'll need to do a long journey soon. Mebbe to-night." "Cæsar?" said the Padre. "Both," returned Buck, with an emphasis, the meaning of which could not well be missed.

His chance strike upon the spot where lay the gold of Flower Pocket imbedded if it could be called a chance, considering his dream was the prelude to the opening up of one of the richest mining districts south of Deadwood. We left them after Harry had driven a stake to mark the place which the somnambulist had pointed out as indicating the concealed mine.

A little silence fell between them. "When does your battalion march?" she asked abruptly. "Perhaps to-morrow. I don't know." "If you do go then," she said, with again that little touch of shyness, "I suppose I won't see you again." "See you again," exclaimed Barry, his tone indicating that the possibility of such a calamity was unthinkable, "why, of course I shall see you again.

Because if he is Messiah, he is my King!" And a dark gleam, partly of pain, partly of incipient loyalty, crossed his face. Mr. Richmond's eyes flashed. "Come on," he said; "let us see whether he is Messiah." The parables indicating the taking away of their privileges from the Jews and giving them to the Gentiles, were hard reading. David stopped to understand them, and looked very black.

A moment afterward, a horse was heard going at full speed through the grove, indicating that the robber was leaving the ranch as fast as possible. All this while, Frank has been almost overwhelmed with astonishment. The ease with which the desperado had vanquished his uncle and the strange behavior of the hitherto infallible Marmion, were things beyond his comprehension.

This dog, he gave us to understand, came from "over the torrent," indicating with a gesture the Arblen Valley; and, from the beginning of his troubles, had been to him like a human friend.

In secret, inspired by the rival claims of heredity and environment, Ernest strove to cast a scientific horoscope of little Abel's probable future. But to-day contradicted yesterday, and to-morrow proved both untrustworthy. The child was always changing, developing new ideas, indicating new possibilities.

Abou Hassan, as he said this, waved his hand, indicating the handsome room in which they were sitting, and beyond it, seen through the gilded arches at the end of the apartment, the garden outside, where the moon, which had now risen, was illuminating with its enchanting light the trees, whose branches were heavy with various fruits, the fountains splashing into their marble basins, and, finally, in the distance, a group of girls of marvellous beauty who had just entered the garden dancing and singing.

He was very dead, that man; a great foot had trodden on his face, and it was flattened out, looking like a great black flat-fish in which a child, for fun, had punched holes for eyes and mouth and nose; it was curling up at the edges under the sun's rays, becoming converted into a cup. "B'selius," said Félix, with a laugh, indicating this thing as they passed it.