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The encore ended; they returned to the table, Sophie leaning lightly on Lanyard's arm, chattering gay inconsequentialities. Dropping into her chair, she bent over toward Cecelia Brooke. "He dances adorably, my dear!" the intrigante declared. "But I dare say you know that already." The English girl shook her head, smiling. "Not yet." "Then lose no time.

You may try all you want to, to keep other subjects before the house, and we may all join in and help, but there can be but one result: the most random topic would load every man up with war reminiscences, and shut him up, too; and talk would be likely to stop presently, because you can't talk pale inconsequentialities when you've got a crimson fact or fancy in your head that you are burning to fetch out.

It was merely autumn moonlight, and too late in the year to be sitting out in a summerhouse mouthing inconsequentialities two people who were old enough to know better. Joe stirred restlessly. Surely she must be convinced that he meant to be friendly. He leaned back and looked up at the sky. "What do you mean to do, Joe?" Mary Louise began again. "Huh?" He recovered with a start.

Other priests who are good desk clerks, for the most part, but who have neither the education nor the fortune necessary to participate in the inconsequentialities of the idle rich. They live more in seclusion and visit only among the middle class. They console themselves for their unfashionableness by playing cards with each other and uttering crude commonplaces at the table."

The poor woman was distracted by the absolute absurdities, frivolities and inconsequentialities of his worries, yet he didn't seem to have sense to see what he was doing. So I gave him a plain practical talk as I had been drawn into a discussion of the matter without any volition on my part and urged him to quit irritating his wife so foolishly and so unnecessarily.

You may try all you want to, to keep other subjects before the house, and we may all join in and help, but there can be but one result: the most random topic would load every man up with war reminiscences, and shut him up, too; and talk would be likely to stop presently, because you can't talk pale inconsequentialities when you've got a crimson fact or fancy in your head that you are burning to fetch out.

They don't reckon with the attitude of women. This is New York not Paris. Such things are years off. I don't say they'll not come or that women won't use them but not by that name not yet." Constance wondered what his cynical inconsequentialities masked. "I think it adds to the interest," she observed, watching him furtively, "this evasion of the laws."

Cross purposes, moot-points, pleas, demurrers, flaws in the indictment, double meanings, cases, inconsequentialities, these were the play-things, the darlings of Mr. Tooke's mind; and with these he baffled the Judge, dumb-founded the Counsel, and outwitted the Jury. The report of his trial before Lord Kenyon is a master-piece of acuteness, dexterity, modest assurance, and legal effect.

He knew one thing, however Evelyn Rogers was a wellspring of vital information. The very fact that she talked inconsequentialities incessantly and occasionally let drop remarks of vital import made her the more valuable. He knew that he had not seen the last of the seventeen-year-old girl.

Sharlee was alone in the room, concluding the post-prandial chores with the laying of the Turkey-red cloth. She was in fickle vein this evening, as it chanced; and instead of respectfully inquiring the nature of his tidings, as was naturally and properly expected of her, she received the young man with a fire of breezy inconsequentialities which puzzled and annoyed him greatly.