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His first impulse, as a Virginia gentleman, was to invite his visitor to stay at the house until the matter should be settled, but he did not know what extraordinary freak on the part of his aunt might be caused by such an invitation. But before he had decided what to say, they were met by Mrs Keswick coming from the garden.

Often, as we lay on our faces, a granite boulder, as large as a village church, would start out of the bottom apparently, and seem climbing up rapidly to the surface, till presently it threatened to touch our faces, and we could not resist the impulse to seize an oar and avert the danger.

But the primitive Church also was without them. Still further and more important for us, in these brief years of brilliant service I note the spontaneous impulse which sets a Christian man to do Christian work. It was his brethren that picked out Philip, and said, 'Now go and distribute alms, but his brethren had nothing to do with his next step.

At Santee the Indian boys and girls are given a practical education developed to fit their peculiar needs its goal the training of teachers, preachers, and leaders in every walk of life. Here I received my first impulse toward a career in 1875-6.

What was the girl to him that at the first sight of her danger he should have forgotten his philosophy of self, his pride in his contempt for his kind, and his fine aloofness? She was no more in his life than any other of the four hundred strangers on board. The act of leaping into the sea had been a mere impulse, the prompting of an unsuspected instinct.

Thus assured that Anty had not been smuggled upstairs, her lover, or suitor as he might perhaps be more confidently called, proceeded to visit her. If he wished her to believe that his first impulse, on hearing of her being in the house, had been to throw himself at her feet, it would have been well that this conversation should have been carried on out of her hearing.

So as my boarding-house was some way off, and it would be lost time to run to the ship for my big iron pot; under the impulse of the moment, I hurried to one of the Boodle Hydrants, which I remembered having seen running near the scene of a still smoldering fire in an old rag house; and taking off a new tarpaulin hat, which had been loaned me that day, filled it with water.

He, who had often felt flattered at being praised for the purity of his Greek pure not merely for his time: an age of bastard tongues and for the engaging Hellenism of his person, here and now had an impulse of pride of his Egyptian origin.

But then, she was never quite sure of herself; there was always a chance that some blind impulse would spring up in her and overthrow her resolutions. Now, he must suffer, too and rightly. For, after all, he had also been to blame.

Their first impulse will be to wonder at the form they see, and to ask, almost with incredulity, 'Lord, is it I? Nor will the wonder be less when they recognise many whom they knew not. The surprises when the family of God is gathered together at last will be great.