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I remember the old preacher's favorite text used to be, 'To them that hath shall be given. They've spread something wonderful run over this here country like bindweed. But I ain't one that begretches it to 'em. Folks is entitled to what they kin git; and they're hustlers. Olaf, he's in the Legislature now, and a likely man fur Congress. Listen, if that ain't the old woman comin' now.

I has to do it, or our visitin' Yellowstone guests would have stole me pore as Job's turkey. "Whatever is a 'outfit' you asks? It's a range boss, a chuck waggon with four mules an' a range cook, two hoss hustlers to hold the ponies, eight riders an' a bunch of about seventy ponies say seven to a boy.

"He says he talks the other sort of thing the dope the fake stuff just as the rest of the hustlers do. He says it's necessary in order to keep the people fooled that if they got wise to the real way to succeed, then there'd be nobody to rob and get rich off of. Oh, he's got it right. He's a smart one." The sad, bitter expression was strong in Susan's face.

There had been bad blood and frequent collision between the cattlemen, herders, "hustlers," especially hustlers, and the hunting parties of the Sioux and the Northern Cheyenne, who clung to the Big Horn Range and the superb surrounding country with almost passionate love and with jealous tenacity.

When you looked at that car, the crowd in it and the airs they wore, you'd think they'd been running the world since the time of William the Conqueror. And Old Peter came into this country with a pedlar's pack on his shoulders!" "We're hustlers here," put in MacKellar. "We'll hustle all the way to hell in a generation more," said the reporter.

Even your mother knew nothing of it till years afterwards so that no man should be a penny the poorer for having trusted his good name. Do you think the crew of chandlers and brokers, dock hustlers and freight wreckers would have found him a useful man of business, even had they come to settle here?" I have no answer; nor does the old House wait for any, but talks on.

"Poker" John was struggling hard to bring a once keen intellect to bear upon the affair. He had listened to the money-lender's account of the raid with an almost doubtful understanding, the chief shock to which was the re-appearance of the supposed dead Retief, that prince of "hustlers," who, two years ago, had terrorized the neighborhood by his impudent raids.

What I want to know is this: I met a couple of hustlers here to-day boys I used to team with and they told me Pharaoh didn't have a chance because he went right from the box car to the paddock. He gets off the train, where he's been for five days and nights, and comes so close to the American record that there ain't any fun in it. Now, you know that can't be done.

Such a plan worked well in the earlier days, when the art of telephony was in the making, and when there was no source of authority on telephonic problems. Barton is the bishop emeritus of the Western Electric to-day; and the big industry is now being run by a group of young hustlers, with H. B. Thayer at the head of the table.

The Gangs of Three that waylay the solitary pedestrian, the Choker in the middle, next the victim who is to be strangled and cleaned out, the larger guilds of Hustlers who bonnet a man and beat his breath out of him and empty his pockets before he knows what is the matter with him, the Burglars, with their "jimmies" in their pockets, the fighting robbers, with their brass knuckles, the whole set in a vast thief-constituency, thick as rats in sewers, these were the disputants whom the emissaries of the Slave Power called upon to refute the arguments of the Brooklyn clergyman.