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Updated: August 7, 2024

But natheless I am in hope of reppentence hereafter, being but a younge man, if I do wrong thro' ignorens: your Honner being a grate man, and a grave wit; and I a poor crature, not worthy notice; and your Honner able to answer for all. But, howsomever, I am Your Honner's fetheful sarvant in all dewtie, JOSEPH LEMAN. You have a worse opinion of your invention than you ought to have.

Your Honner nathaless praises my invenshon every now-and-then: Alas! and plese your Honner, what invenshon should such a plane man as I have? But when your Honner sets me agoing by your fine invenshon, I can do well enuff. And I am sure I have a hearty good will to deserve your Honner's faver, if I mought. Two days, as I may say, off and on, have I been writing this long letter.

"It does me good to see your honner's happy face again;" though, of course, he had never seen it before. As I passed on with a brief salutation, he took the trouble to run after me, and slapping me on the shoulder, added, in a beautiful brogue: "Wait a minnit; I don't want to ax you for anything, but only to tell you how glad I am to see yer honner's happy face agin. Good mornin'!"

If she be very troublesome, I can teach thee how to break her heart in a twelvemonth; and honestly too; or the precept would not be mine. I enclose a new earnest of my future favour. I must confesse I am infinitely obliged to your Honner's bounty. But this last command! It seems so intricket! Lord be merciful to me, how have I been led from littel stepps to grate stepps!

We'll be obliged av ye could explain it a thrifle, for sorra one but's bad off, an' Father O'Baithershin says 'Howld yer whist, says he 'till ye see what'll happen, says he. Will we get the bit o' ground widout rint, yer honner's glory?" Mr.

Butt wonce moer, begging your Honner's parden, and promissing all dilligence and exsackness, I reste, Your Honner's dewtiful sarvant to command, JOSEPH LEMAN. No pursuit nor have I apprehensions of any; though I must make my charmer dread that there will be one. And now, let me tell thee, that never was joy so complete as mine! But let me inquire, is not the angel flown away? O no!

The big chap who had threatened me with the bill-hook came humbly forward and said: "Plase yer honner's worship, I'm very deaf, an' I'm short sighted, and I'm very wake intirely, an' ye must give me toime to insinse meself into the way of it." And that rascal had everything repeated several times, until I was on fifty occasions on the point of chucking up the whole thing.

And if I should be found out! But your Honner says you will take me into your Honner's sarvise, and protect me, if as I should at any time be found out; and raise my wages besides; or set me upp in a good inne; which is my ambishion. And you will be honnerable and kind to my dearest young lady, God love her. But who can be unkind to she?

And furthermore, I have such a desire to desarve your Honner's bounty to me, as mackes me let nothing pass I can tell you of, to prevent harm: and too, besides, your Honner's goodness about the Blew Bore; which I have so good an accounte of! I am sure I shall be bounden to bless your Honner the longest day I have to live.

Shure there's no sinse at all, at all, in workin' life out to kape life in. "Ah, no," said Misther Fahy. "That tobacky has no strinth in it. We get no satisfaction out iv it. We shmoked a pipe iv it to make frinds, but we'd not shmoke another. 'Tis like chopped hay or tay-leaves, it is. Will we walk back wid yer honner's glory? 'Tis only four miles, it is. No, we bur-rn no powdher here.

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