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DON EDUARDO. Apenas lo yo todavía ... cualquiera país me es indiferente con tal que sea bien agreste y selvático. DON EDUARDO. He titubeado algún tiempo entre Californias y la Nueva Holanda; pero al cabo puede ser que me decida por la Isla de Francia. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Allí nacieron Pablo y Virginia! DON EDUARDO. Y el negro Domingo también.

Stippling was brought to its ultimate perfection by Don Giulio Clovio, but it is supposed to have been first practised by Antonio de Holanda. One of Jehan Foucquet's assistants was Jehan Bourdichon. There is an interesting memorandum extant, relating to a piece of illumination which Bourdichon had accomplished.

He came through Holanda, where he conversed at great length with Oliver. The latter told him all that had happened to him, which is known to all, and was discussed in this island before that voyage. Bartolome Perez says that Oliver de Nort praised the Spaniards greatly, and said they were the bravest men he had seen in his life.

*si usted podía ser dichosa*: note the imperfect indicative in an unreal condition. *Sacedón*: watering-place in the province of Guadalajara, Spain. *Nueva Holanda*: Australia. *Isla de Francia*: Spanish form for the old French name of the island Mauritius, to the east of Madagascar. It is now an English possession. Contrast English *quid pro quo* 'equivalent.

The coming of vessels to Maluco at this time from Holanda and Zelanda was not less prejudicial to all our interests; for the Dutch, having so great interests in the islands, and having established their interests there so firmly, were coming in squadrons by the India route, to recover what they had lost in Amboino, Terrenate, and other islands.

According to the first project, that of 1796, it was intended to link the canal with the small river of Guines, to be brought from the Ingenio de la Holanda to Quibican, three leagues south of Bejucal and Santa Rosa. This idea is now relinquished, the Rio de los Guines losing its waters towards the east in the irrigation of the savannahs of Hato de Guanamon.

A consecuencia de ello, nuestro representante en Londres, D. José Mariano de Michelena, en Julio de 1824 dirigió al Gobierno un ocurso de Gorostiza ofreciendo sus servicios a México; y antes de terminar el año, se le encargó una misión confidencial en Holanda.

From this, and from a negro who escaped from these ships by swimming to the island of Capul, and also through an Englishman, seized by the natives while on shore, we learned that these ships were from Holanda, whence they had sailed in a convoy of three other armed vessels, with patents and documents from Count Mauricio de Nasao who called himself Prince of Orange, in order to make prizes in the Indias.

For Oliver de Nort, who was the Dutch general, with whom the engagement occurred, arrived safely in Holanda, with eight men and he made nine and without money. He was not to attack anyone, but only to defend himself and to incline the Indians to trade and exchange with him.

He, having come from England by way of Holanda, conversed with Oliver del Nort, and the latter narrated to him his voyage and sufferings, as mentioned by Licentiate Fernando de la Cueva in a letter from the island of La Palma, on the last of July, of the year six hundred and four, to Marcos de la Cueva, his brother, who was a resident of Manila, and one of the volunteers who embarked on the Spanish flagship which fought with the pirate.