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"Clock's fast," he said, rising and adjusting it. His wife rose almost at the same moment, and with slow deliberate movements began to clear the table. "What what about dinner?" said Mr. Henshaw, still trying to control his fears. "Dinner!" repeated Mrs. Henshaw, in a terrible voice. "You go and tell that creature you were on the 'bus with to get your dinner." Mr.

Every now and then he came to a stand-still, and I quite wanted to get out and push him along. But they saw nothing uncommon in his behavior, and even congratulated themselves upon his being so careful. Aunt Henshaw said that such dreadful accidents had happened in consequence of horses running away with people, and that Joe's great virtue consisted in his being so perfectly gentle.

"I don't worry any," nodded Billy, "only please don't 'arrive' too soon not before the wedding, you know," she added jokingly. "We shall be too busy to give you proper attention until after that." A peculiar look crossed Arkwright's face. "The wedding?" he asked, a little faintly. "Yes. Didn't you know? My friend, Miss Hawthorn, is to marry Mr. Cyril Henshaw next month."

The firemen had insisted upon this. In the meantime Hovey with Flint and the rest would attack the cabins of Henshaw, McTee, and the mates. Here they depended chiefly upon the effect of the surprise. If it were possible, Henshaw also was to be taken alive and reserved for a long death like Campbell.

Maybe I'll need you. Getting old; not what I used to be." "I see you're not," said McTee boldly. Henshaw scowled: "What do you mean?" "That affair of Harrigan. He's still going scot-free, you know." "Right! McTee, I'm getting feeble-minded, but I'll make up for lost time." He caught up pen and paper, while McTee drew a long breath of relief.

"There are Roberts, Henshaw, Tom Cassidy, Lecault, the Frenchman, and the two St. Pierre brothers. They're all crack gun-men. Give 'em each an automatic and they're worth twenty ordinary men." A few moments later MacDougall extinguished the light, and the two men left the cabin.

Philip shook hands with them, and they passed after the engineer through a narrow door leading into a room which was known as the camp office, Cassidy, Henshaw, and the others followed within the next ten minutes. There was not a man among them whose eyes faltered when Philip put up his proposition to them.

"'Look here, said Henshaw, 'I've had enough grumbling from the fireroom. Put a fan in the air shaft, and don't come up here again with any nonsense. D'you expect to find cool breezes in the South Seas? No, they're hot as fire hot as fire hot as fire! "He repeated those words three times over in a way that made my flesh creep, and then he laughed. Even the second saw that something was wrong.

"Only careless," answered the other, "but it's a bad thing to be careless where Harrigan is concerned. A man like that, Henshaw, could lead your mutineers, and lead them well. Hovey told me that every one of the crew looks up to the Irishman." "He's got to be crippled or put out of the way," stated Henshaw calmly. "I was a fool. I forgot about Harrigan."

They had finished dinner, at which the absorbing subject of the tragedy at Wynford Place was the main topic of their conversation, when the landlord came in to say that Mr. Gervase Henshaw, who was staying at the hotel, would like to see them if they were disengaged. Kelson looked across at his friend. "Shall we see him?" Gifford nodded. "We had better hear what he has to say.