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Helmar and Naoum mainly occupied themselves with keeping watch, and as soon as the sun sank, the former took an hour or two's sleep. Sometimes the monotony would be relieved by watching the natives making use of their river.

There was no love on her face, no expectancy, no passion, but she flung herself between the two, between Angus following and Helmar going, for he distained to fly, then shut and clasped the window, guarded it beneath one hand, and held Angus with her eye, white, silent, deathly, no joy, no woe, only a kind of bitter triumph in achieving that escape.

As the docks loomed up, the evidences of the bombardment became distinctly visible. How different everything seemed now, from the peaceful business-like appearance the place presented when Helmar first landed on those self-same docks! The great heavy ironclads lay at anchor all around, silent and harmless enough to look at, but, withal, a mighty latent power protecting the shattered city.

"This is the queerest place I was ever in, Helmar," said Charlie, as they turned into a narrow, unevenly-paved street. "These buildings all look as if they were about to collapse and don't they look dirty!" "Eh? What was that you were saying?" replied his companion. "Oh, yes the houses 'm, I dare say they aren't over-clean.

Arabi was seated on a big lounging chair, dressed in the uniform of the Egyptian army. His face was turned away as the prisoner entered, so that George was unable to realize all that Naoum had told him; but no time was given him to speculate, for Naoum broke the silence at once. With an easiness that astonished Helmar, he addressed the Pasha as though talking to his equal.

"True enough," said Helmar, looking up the stream towards the rosy sunset, "but I am not going to waste it all on travelling. We shall need something to keep us until we get work." "Oh, very well," said Mark, shrugging his shoulders in a discontented fashion.

"When will that be?" asked Helmar, glad to think that they would at last leave this underground passage. "At the top of these steps," replied the guide. "Then we shall have to reach a postern in the wall of the grounds. That is our greatest danger." A few moments later they reached the end of the steps. A small wooden trap formed the outlet to this place.

Had the cook anything to eat? "Anything to eat?" replied that worthy. "Well, rather. Always got something for you, Mr. Helmar!" his greasy face smiling with a look of pride at the man who had so distinguished himself on the hill yesterday. "I'm beastly hungry, and am afraid I'm a bit late," said George apologetically. "But I was so tired that I overslept myself." "Late?

Helmar was struck with the air of authority his companion displayed as soon as the police station was reached, and, consequently, was not surprised when he introduced himself. "My name is Inspector Childs, chief of the detective department of Cairo. Who may I have the pleasure of thanking for my preservation?" George gave his name, and the two men shook hands again.

I stood out against it with all my might, was rather for scuttling the boat and perishing together among the sharks that followed us; but when Helmar said that if his proposal was accepted we should have drink, the sailor came round to him.