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"Hee-hee!" now broke in an octogenarian treble, that seemed to come from high up in the head of Uncle Issy, the bass-viol player; "But cast your eyes, good friends, 'pon a little slip o' heart's delight down in the nave, and mark the flowers 'pon the bonnet nid-nodding like bees in a bell, with unspeakable thoughts." "'Tis the world's way wi' females."

But Ethelberta walked on as before. Lord Mountclere sighed like a poet over a ledger. 'An old man who is not very old naturally torments himself with fears of losing no, no it was an innocent jest of mine you will forgive a joke hee-hee? he said again, on getting no reply. 'You had no right to mistrust me! 'I do not you did not blench.

They sat down together on the floor, and she patted Frona's hand lovingly, peering, meanwhile, blear-eyed and misty, into her face. "Ay, it is Neepoosa, grown old quickly after the manner of our women. Neepoosa, who dandled thee in her arms when thou wast a child. Neepoosa, who gave thee thy name, Tenas Hee-Hee.

"So Tenas Hee-Hee has come back in these bad days," he vouchsafed in a shrill, quavering voice. "And why bad days, Muskim?" Frona asked. "Do not the women wear brighter colors? Are not the bellies fuller with flour and bacon and white man's grub? Do not the young men contrive great wealth what of their pack-straps and paddles?

For the young women have turned aside from the old paths, nor do the young men longer honor the old totems and the old gods. So these are bad days, Tenas Hee-Hee, and they behold old Muskim go down in sorrow to the grave." "Ai! Ai! It is so!" wailed Neepoosa. "Because of the madness of thy people have my people become mad," Muskim continued.

Although he cannot control me, he might entreat me. 'Why would he object? said Lord Mountclere uneasily, and somewhat haughtily. 'I don't know. 'But you will be my wife say again that you will. 'I will. He breathed. 'He will not object hee-hee! he said. 'O no I think you will be mine now. 'I have said so. But look to me all the same. 'You malign yourself, dear one.

'I'll explain it to you. So he starts in to tell me that 'stock didn't necessarily mean beef critters, and a lot more things, whilst old man Ferguson, who was putting the deal through, stood listening and chewing his teeth, thinking I was going to give our friend the frolicsome hee-hee at the wind-up. But I stood solemn, and never even drew a smile, for fear of queering Ferguson. Well.

He sat in his sledge deeply muffled, blinking at Drake and the buccaroos, who had strolled out to look at him, "Done a big business this trip," said he. "Told you I would. Now if you was only givin' your children a Christmas-tree like that I seen that feller yer schoolmarm doin' just now hee-hee!" From his blankets he revealed the well-known case.

And no more than was to be expected on this merry, happy day of our lives. Nobody enjoys a good jest more than I do: I always enjoyed a jest hee-hee! Now we are in the dark again; and we will alight and walk. The path is too narrow for the carriage, but it will not be far for you. Take your husband's arm.

She turned and went over to the old woman. "And hast thou so soon forgotten, Tenas Hee-Hee?" she mumbled. "And thine eyes so young and sharp! Not so soon does Neepoosa forget." "It is thou, Neepoosa?" Frona cried, her tongue halting from the disuse of years. "Ay, it is Neepoosa," the old woman replied, drawing her inside the tent, and despatching a boy, hot-footed, on some errand.