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"In scientific language," he began, "it is probably H three C seven, parenthesis, H two C plus C four O five, close parenthesis, HC three O." Corbario laughed carelessly. "I am no wiser than before," he said. "Nor I," answered the Professor. "Not a bit." "It is much simpler to call it 'the sleeping death, is it not?" suggested the Contessa. "Much simpler, for that is precisely what it is."

But Herrick, hopelessly under the influence of the poison, which had now produced its full effect, paid no heed. "Y' can't dri' thish car!" he muttered, in maudlin accents. "Too big too heavy for hc! woman! I I dri' it all right, drunk or sober! Good chauffeur good car I know thish car! You won't fire me hc! for takin' drink or two, huh? I drive you all ri' drive you to New York or to hc! Hell!

"You wanted speed an' now hc! b'Jesus, you get hc! speed! I ain't 'fraid are hc! you?" She had not heard the words, but had divined their meaning. "Herrick!" she commanded sharply, leaning forward. "What's the matter with you? Obey me, do you hear? Not so fast!" A whiff of alcoholic breath suddenly told her the truth.

Quickly Alex interrupted, and shot back: "Train robbers are after the Overland. They held me up, and cut the wires both sides of the station. I got free, and have made a connection through the rails HC." For a moment the line remained silent, while at his end of the wire the despatcher sat bolt upright in his chair, eyes and mouth wide open.

For a visible ray of light, however narrow it may be, has always some width, and consequently it is necessary, in representing the wave whose progression constitutes the ray, to put instead of a line AC some plane figure such as the circle HC in the following figure, by supposing, as we have done, the luminous point to be infinitely distant.

The other, the chief line of the Vertebrate stem, advanced straight to the fishes, and by fresh adaptations acquired a number of important improvements. II Vertebral column: ob upper arches, ub lower arches, hc intercentra, r ribs. IV Breast-fin: sg shoulder-zone, ax fin-axis, ss double lines of fin-rays, bs additional rays, sch plates.

The despatcher at "X" had regained his equilibrium, and in his usual crisp manner he replied: "Take this for Conductor Bedford: "Bedford: Hold-up apparently planned between Broken Gap and Hadley Corners. Probably on one of the grades of the Little Timbers. Gather a posse quickly, and make sure of capturing them. Report at HC.

This is really all one animal, the vase hc being the horny covering or carapace of the body, which last stands up like a tube in the centre. If you watch carefully, you may even see the minute atoms of food twisting round inside the tube until they are digested, after they have been swept in at the wide open mouth by the whirling lashes.

Alex could not suppress a quick "Thank Heaven!" and, trembling with excitement, he seized the key and began swiftly calling the despatcher. "X, X, X, HC," he called. He felt the line open, and closed his own key. Then, in surprise, he read: "So you have been monkeying with the wires there after all, have you? Now look here "

Now it is easy to see, following the preceding demonstration, that each small piece of this wave HC having arrived at the plane AB, and there generating each one its particular wave, these will all have, when C arrives at B, a common plane which will touch them, namely a circle BN similar to CH; and this will be intersected at its middle and at right angles by the same plane which likewise intersects the circle CH and the ellipse AB.