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Updated: August 21, 2024

From the accounts rendered, old Mary did not lack for water-carriers for months after that. One evening Mary made tea for the water-carriers and after tea she "tossed th' cups" for them. "Here's two roads, dear," she said to Anna, "an' wan day ye'll haave t' choose betwixt thim. "What else do you see on the roads, Mary?" Anna asked.

"Aye," Jamie would say, "it's jist wondtherful what we can do if we haave th' right kind ov a conscience!" Jamie's first duty on Sunday was to clean out the thrush's cage. He was very proud of Dicky and gave him a bath every morning and a house cleaning on Sunday. We children loved Sunday. On that day Anna reigned.

Her defense of doing it in the early hours of the Sabbath was: "Sure God has more important work to do than to sit up late to watch us mend the boots of the poor; forby it's better to haave ye're boots mended an' go to church than to sit in th' ashes on Sunday an' swallow the smoke of bad turf!"

"I'm goin' out wi' that can to get somethin' fur that chile, Anna, if I haave t' swing fur it. That's what's in my mind an' God help me!" "God help us both," she said. He moved toward the street. She planted herself between him and the door. "No, we must stand together. They'll put you in jail and then the child and I will die anyway. Let's wait another day!" They sat down together in the corner.

"I'm not, I'm an honest maan, but I haave a chile dying wi' hunger now it's your life or his, by an' ye'll decide!" "I think yer a liar as well as a thief," the man said, "but if we can prove what ye say I'm yer friend." "Will ye go with me?" "Aye." "D'ye mane it?" "Aye, I do!" "I'll carry th' gun." "Ye may, there's nothin' in it." "There's enough in th' butt t' batther a maan's brains out."

Forby they haave no special pathway t' God that's shut t' me, nor yer oul father nor Willie Withero!" Sometimes Jamie took a hand. Once when he thought Anna was going to cry, in an argument, he wheeled around in his seat and delivered himself. "I'll tell ye, Anna, that whelp needs a good argyment wi' th' tongs! Jist take thim an' hit 'im a skite on the jaw wi' thim an' I'll say, 'Amen."

"Says I t' m'self at last, 'Aye, 'deed there must be th' spark there what Anna talks about! Jist then I heard yer mother's voice as plain as I hear m' own now at this minute an' what d'ye think Anna says?" "I don't know, Willie." "'So ye haave th' Son ov Maan t' dinner th' day? 'Aye, says I. "'An' givin' 'im yer lavins! "It was like a piece ov stone cuttin' the ball ov m' eye. It cut deep!

Jimmy was a genial old Irish expressman whose stand was at the New Haven Green. Jimmy came and looked me over. Then came Bob Grant, a foreman from a near-by manufacturing concern, and after him four Socialist comrades on their way home from work. "Ah, Mother o' God," Jimmy said, "shure it's an ambulance yer riverence shud haave." "I want you, Jimmy; pile me in."

"Stop yer palaver an' let's haave a story ov th' war wi' th' naygars in Egypt," Mrs. Hurll said. "Aye, that's right," one of the Gainer boys said. "Tell us what th' queen give ye a medal fur!" They wanted a story of blood, so I smeared the tale red. When I finished Anna said, "Now tell thim, dear, what ye tuk th' shillin' fur!" "You tell them, mother."

Anna drew Eliza's head to her breast and pressing it gently to her said, "I'm proud of ye, dear, ye've borne up bravely! Now I'm goin' t' haave a few winks in th' corner, for there'll be much to do th' morra." Scarcely had the words died on her lips when Kitty Coyle gave vent to a scream of terror that brought the mourners to the door and terrified those outside.

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