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Young Ridley was his daily friend now; and Grindley, his classics and mathematics over in the morning, and the ride with father over, this pair of young men would constantly attend Gandish's Drawing Academy, where, to be sure, Ridley passed many hours at work on his art, before his young friend and patron could be spared from his books to his pencil.

Some six months later they found him dead in his counting-house. Grindley junior became the printer and publisher of Good Humour. To regard Miss Ramsbotham as a marriageable quantity would have occurred to few men. Endowed by Nature with every feminine quality calculated to inspire liking, she had, on the other hand, been disinherited of every attribute calculated to excite passion.

Peter Hope had a suspicion that Grindley junior had for the moment parted company with that sweet reasonableness that otherwise, so Peter Hope felt sure, was Grindley junior's guiding star. "I mean it, sir," reasserted Grindley junior.

Grindley junior was sweet-tempered as a rule, but when engaged upon the fashioning of a cornucopia, was irritable. "Hurry up, old man!" urged the extremely young lady. "I've got another appointment in less than half an hour." "Oh, damn the thing!" said Grindley junior, as the paper for the fourth time reverted to its original shape.

"I wasn't," returned the sub-editor. "I was only " "You were," persisted Peter. "I ought not to have allowed you to be present. I might have known you would interfere." " going to say we are in want of some help in the office. You know we are. And that if Mr. Grindley would be content with a small salary " "Small salary be hanged!" snarled Peter. " there would be no need for his going to Africa."

Gandish and drew every cast and statue in that gentleman's studio. Grindley, his tutor, getting a curacy, Clive did not replace him, but took a course of modern languages, which he learned with great rapidity. And now, being strong enough to paint without a master, Mr. Clive must needs have a studio, as there was no good light in the house in Fitzroy Square.

It was late in the evening when Solomon opened the door and called upstairs to Janet Helvetia to come down. "I used to know you long ago," said Hezekiah Grindley, rising. "You were quite a little girl then." Later, the troublesome Sauce disappeared entirely, cut out by newer flavours. Grindley junior studied the printing business. It almost seemed as if old Appleyard had been waiting but for this.

"I am sorry, sir," said Grindley junior, "if I have proved a disappointment to you." "Damn your sympathy!" said Grindley senior. "Keep it till you are asked for it." "I hope we part friends, sir," said Grindley junior, holding out his hand. "Why do you irate me?" asked Grindley senior. "I have thought of nothing but you these five-and-twenty years." "I don't, sir," answered Grindley junior.

'Harry, my boy, said that gay gentleman, as they stood looking at a passing train, 'what do you say to a run for London? I have another uncle there a first-rate solicitor in the firm of Grindley, Blackmore, & Co. Ours is a legal family.

Young Grindley, who had inherited a good deal of his father's grit, felt very much inclined to go his own; but, hampered on the other hand by the sweetness of disposition he had inherited from his mother, was unable to withstand the argument of that lady's tears, so that evening accepted old Grindley's terms, asking only as a favour that the scene of his probation might be in some out-of-the-way neighbourhood where there would be little chance of his being met by old friends.