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But the smell of the fresh earth reminded the little animal of something which he loved even better than Mandy Ann even better, indeed, than a juicy carrot. He longed to get away, for a little while, from the loving but sometimes too assiduous attention with which his little mistress surrounded him to get away and burrow to his heart's content in the cool brown earth, full of grass-roots.

Take the quantity of a nutmeg or small walnut every morning fasting. For a Tympany Dropsy. Take roots of chervil and candied eringo roots, half an ounce of each, roots of butcher-broom, two ounces, grass-roots, three ounces, shavings of ivory and hartshorn, two drachms and a half each; boil them in two or three pounds of spring water.

The ore is richer than anything we have found since we made the big strike at grass-roots, and we'd be up against it good and hard if we hadn't paid those Nebraska farmers what they asked and taken a clear title to the ground." "But the mystery," I reminded him. "It is a little trick of acoustics, I guess; it has happened in other mines, so Hicks tells me.

The sight of their foul disfigurement only rendered me the more eager to reach the living with a message of hope. I moved like a snake, dragging my body an inch at a time by firmly grasping with extended hands the tough grass-roots, and writhing forward as noiselessly as if I were stalking some prey.

The next day's drive would bring them to the home ranch, where Eagle Creek was fuming over the lateness of the season, the condition of the range, and the June rains, which had thus far failed even to moisten decently the grass-roots. "Let's ride over to Camas; all the other fellows have gone," Pink proposed listlessly, drawing in his line. Rowdy as listlessly consented.

"I looked at the bear, as I laid there clutchin' the grass-roots. Then I looked down over the edge. I didn't feel frightened exactly, so fur; didn't know enough, maybe, to be frightened of any animal. But jest at this point I was mighty anxious.

With mandibles for shears, you have patiently cut my threads as you would have gnawed the cordage of the grass-roots. This is meritorious, if not deserving of exceptional glorification. The most limited of the insects which work in earth would have done as much if subjected to similar conditions. Let us ascend a stage in the series of difficulties.

For the present he will take his wife Seeta, whose will is his, and go out into the wilderness, there to build him a hut of bamboos and banian-boughs and palmyra-leaves, and be Seeta and he two jolly yogees, that is, religious gypsies, living on grass-roots, wild rice, and white ants, and being dirty and devout to their heart's content.

Of course, he broke our fences to let his sheep in to water at our waterholes, which was very annoying to us, because sheep befoul a range and destroy it; they eat down to the very grass-roots, and cattle will not drink at a water-hole patronized by sheep. Well, our patience was exhausted at last; so my father told Pablo to put out saltpeter at all of our water-holes.

"And just now, when you are in such a bad fix, a trip like that would be the best thing you could hit upon." The wild geese travelled to one of the wide fields, east of the estate, to eat grass-roots, and they kept this up for hours. In the meantime, the boy wandered in the great park which bordered the field.