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The judge made room for Carrie beside himself, and after looking blankly at her for a few minutes, said solemnly, "I thought I heard you say you wanted ferns; but I must have been mistaken, or possibly they haven't come up in the glen this year. Some tea here, Alice. Miss Goldthwaite, may I help you to a piece of cake?"

Day after day he sat with her in the shadow of her woodland home, and talked of innocence and beauty, and of a life of sweet contentment, and of love; and the maiden listened to him with wide-open eyes and a heart full of trustfulness and faith. "By and by, Paris and Oenone were wedded; and their little cottage in the mountain glen was the fairest and happiest spot in Ilios.

One behind shouted, "How is she, Jack?" and Jack sententiously replied, "Oh, she's a dirty devil!" and by this title the river was long called, and probably is still so known in that region, though on the maps it was afterwards changed by Powell to Fremont River, in honour of the Pathfinder. They were now in the beginning of what has since been called Glen Canyon.

Have you got that?... It looks possible from the contouring to get on to the sea cliffs by following the Laver, for all that side is broken up into ravines.... But look at the other side the Garple glen. It's evidently a deep-cut gully, and at the bottom it opens out into a little harbour. There's deep water there, you observe.

I am after that steed myself these seven years, and can never steal him on account of a silk covering he has on him in the stable, with sixty bells fixed to it, and whenever you approach the place he quickly observes it and shakes himself; which, by the sound of the bells, not only alarms the prince and his guards, but the whole country round, so that it is impossible ever to get him, and those that are so unfortunate as to be taken by the Knight of the Glen are boiled in a red-hot fiery furnace.

Then with keen eyes they scanned each crag and fell, searching in gully and glen, in hollow and on height. But though they saw many herds of deer, yet of huntsmen they saw no sign. "Methinks, Allan," said Kenric, "that 'tis but a foolish thing we have done to come on this fruitless journey. One might wander for a week upon these barren wastes and yet never encounter those whom we seek.

Jesus had told the marvellous stories of Daniel's escapes from death so that his disciples might have no fear that the priests of Jerusalem would have power to destroy him: whomsoever God sends into the world to do his work, Jesus would have us understand, are under God's protection for ever and ever; and Joseph rejoiced greatly at having discovered Jesus' intent, and for a long time the glen, the silent forest and the men sitting listening to the Master were all forgotten by him.

The green road, cropped smooth by sheep and crossed by rills of water, swung sharply up and down, but at length it began a steady descent, and about four o'clock in the afternoon Foster stopped in the bottom of a deep glen. A few rushy fields occupied the hollow and a house stood in the shelter of a thin fir wood.

The bargain was soon made, and the next morning we started again for the glen, our guardian armed with his geometry and a big club.

I have a liking myself," said Greenlaw, "for grandeurs, though we've none at all at Littlefarm! That is to say, none that's just obvious. Are you going to White Farm?" Alexander answered: "I've a message from my father for Mr. Barrow. But after that we're going through the glen. Will you come along?" "I would," said Greenlaw, seriously, "if I had not on my best.