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Updated: August 5, 2024

It were long to tell of Huon's adventures after he had left the island. At one time he took service with a minstrel and was his varlet. At another time he was forced to play chess for the hand of a king's daughter, but refused to marry her when he had won the game. Unknowingly, he once fought with Gerames, and only found out who he was in the course of the battle.

Great was the marvel of the emperor when this table appeared beside him, and he took it for an enchantment of duke Names; but Huon and Gerames and Esclaramonde, who were present at the feast with fetters on their wrists, knew that Oberon had come to their deliverance. Soon the clank of swords was heard throughout the streets, and you could not see the stones for the armed men who stood on them.

After that Huon cut off the emir's beard and pulled out four of his teeth, and hid them in the beard of his old friend Gerames, who had lately returned to Babylon. 'Now I must leave you, said Oberon, when these things were over. 'See that in all ways you behave yourself as a good and true knight should do, and have no share in ill-doings.

'Oh, sir, be not rash, I entreat you! cried Gerames, 'for he charged you straitly not to blow the horn save in your direst need. 'Ay, surely, answered Huon, 'but for all that I will try what power it has, and, raising it to his mouth, he blew a loud blast. At that all the company rose up, and sang and danced joyfully, and Garyn, Huon's uncle, begged him to blow the horn once more.

Fear not to pass this river, black and swift though it be, for it is but a fantasy, and will not even wet the feet of your horse. And now that I have told you the ills that lie in that wood, I pray you hearken to my counsel, and ride by the way that is longer. Huon paused before he answered. In sooth, Gerames' words had not awakened dread in his soul.

'It is indeed good fortune that guided you here, said Gerames when Huon had ended his story, 'for without me and my counsel never would you have reached the kingdom of Babylon. There are two roads which lead to that great city; one will take you forty days, and the other fifteen days, but if you will be ruled by me you will travel by the longer.

Many times Gerames prayed them to take courage, for these were devices of the fairy king, and would not really hurt them, and as long as they spoke no words they would be safe. 'Have no doubt of me, answered Huon. For a while they lost sight of the dwarf, and Huon vainly hoped that they had beaten him off, and that they were rid of him.

If he should come again, I fain would speak to him, and I pray you, Gerames, not to be displeased with me thereat. Gerames' heart was heavy at these words, but he knew well the wilfulness of young men, and he answered nothing. For fifteen days they rode on, and Gerames began to hope that Oberon had given up their pursuit, when suddenly he again appeared.

'The short way leads through a wood which is the home of fairies and other strange creatures, answered Gerames, 'and in it dwells Oberon, the king of them all, in stature no higher than a child of three years old, but with a face more beautiful than any worn by mortal man.

Then silently he led them before Charles, and caused them to sit down at his own table, and bade the lords of the court drink out of the magic cup after Huon and Esclaramonde and Gerames had drunk out of it. But only for duke Names would the wine bubble up.

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