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Updated: August 11, 2024

The reasons for the rule which it laid down had lost their meaning centuries before Gawdy and Clench were born, when owners had acquired the right to sue for the wrongful taking of property in the hands and the rule itself was a dry precedent likely to be followed according to the letter because the spirit had departed.

In similar recesses at Gawdy Hall, Suffolk, were discovered two ancient apostle spoons, a watch, and some Jacobean MSS. A pair of gloves and some jewels of seventeenth-century date were brought to light not many years ago in a secret recess at Woodham Mortimer Manor House, Essex.

The flashing of the gawdy scarves of the men, the motion of their bodies as they stood up for the stroke, flung their weight upon the enormous oars, and sat down at the finish, only to rise up again with monotonous shouts of encouragement, the banging of the sail against the mast, the rippling of the water as the prow pressed forward all these spoke of life to the watchers, of endeavour, and bravery, and travel, causing their blood to redouble its pace and their hope to arise.

Tarry for such an ebb? No, Leidenberch: The narrowest dore of death I would work through first Ere I turne Slave to stick their gawdy triumphes. Leid. Dye, did you say? dye wilfully? Bar. Dye any way, Dye in a dreame: he that first gave us honours Allowes us also safe waies to preserve 'em, To scape the hands of infamy and tirrany. Leid. 'Tis no great paine. Bar.

You left us early, noble Master Grahame, but, good faith, we had a carouse to your honour we heard butt ring hollow ere we parted; we were as loving as inkle-weavers we fought, too, to finish off the gawdy. I bear some marks of the parson about me, you see a note of the sermon or so, which should have been addressed to my ear, but missed its mark, and reached my left eye.

But why need I have been so impertinent as to have told you this, as if my very looks did not sufficiently betray what I am; or supposing any be so credulous as to take me for some sage matron or goddess of wisdom, as if a single glance from me would not immediately correct their mistake, while my visage, the exact reflex of my soul, would supply and supersede the trouble of any other confessions: for I appear always in my natural colours, and an unartificial dress, and never let my face pretend one thing, and my heart conceal another; nay, and in all things I am so true to my principles, that I cannot be so much as counterfeited, even by those who challenge the name of wits, yet indeed are no better than jackanapes tricked up in gawdy clothes, and asses strutting in lions' skins; and how cunningly soever they carry it, their long ears appear, and betray what they are.

Many there are that in the race for fame, Lose the great cause to win the little game, Who pandering to the town's decadent taste, Barter the precious pearl for gawdy paste, And leave upon the virgin page of Time The venom'd trail of iridescent slime." Henry's eyes soon opened. His character, like his body, underwent a gradual process of expansion. His Pastimes

Jenkins looked a little askance at the "best skirt" of blue which had shrunk from repeated washings to a near-knee length, but Amarilly assured her that it was not as short as the skirts worn by the ballet girls. She cut up two old blouses and fashioned a new, bi-colored waist bedizened with gilt buttons. The Boarder presented a resplendent buckle, and Flamingus provided a gawdy hair-ribbon.

But in Woodlife's Case, in reply to what the Chief Justice had said, Gawdy cited the case of the Marshal of the King's Bench, /2/ stated above, whereupon Popham fell back on the old distinction that the jailer had a remedy over against the rebels, but that there was no remedy over in the case at bar.

Well, that was what Francis wanted, and grand juries you know what they would have been then and poor Gawdy was strung up in double-quick time; and I've been shown the place he was buried in, on the north side of the church you know the way in that part of the world: anyone that's been hanged or made away with themselves, they bury them that side.

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