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Brissot, Isnard, Vergniaud, Gaudet, and an infamous ecclesiastic, the Abbé Fauchet, are those whom he particularly mentions, adding: "Mais M. de Lessart trouva que c'était les payer trop cher, et comme ils ne voulurent rien rabattre de leur demande, cette négociation n'eut aucune suite, et ne produisit d'autre effet que d'aigrir davantage ces cinq députés contre ce ministre."

And although during his whole lifetime he should have peaceable possession thereof, yet if what hath been so acquired moulder away in the hands of his heirs, the same opprobry, scandal, and imputation will be charged upon the defunct, and his memory remain accursed for his unjust and unwarrantable conquest; Juxta illud, de male quaesitis vix gaudet tertius haeres.

From that moment the approaches to the hall were thronged with daring sans-culottes, and the partisans of the Jacobins filled the galleries of the convention. Henriot, commandant of the section of sans-culottes, excited against them the battalions about to march for La Vendee. Gaudet then saw that it was time for something more than complaints and speeches; he ascended the tribune.

Children betray their tendencies in their way of dealing with the breasts that nourish them; nay, lean venture to affirm, that long before they are born they teach their mothers something of their turbulent or quiet tempers. "Castor gaudet equis, ovo proanatus eodem Pugnis."

I dined quietly at home with the girls, and wrote after dinner. January 17. Nothing in the roll; corrected proofs, and went off at 12 o'clock in the Hamilton stage to William Lockhart's at Auchinrath. My companions, Mr. Livingstone, the clergyman of Camnethan, a Bailie Hamilton, the king of trumps, I am told, in the Burgh of Hamilton, and a Mr. Davie Martin qui gaudet equis et canibus.

But Pétion and Brissot had only sown the seeds. The opening of the new Assembly at once gave it growth and vigor, when the deputies from the Gironde plunged into the arena of debate, and showed an undeniable superiority in eloquence to every other party. The chiefs, Vergniaud, Gensonné, and Gaudet, were lawyers who had never obtained any practice.

In proof of this fact, the distinguished Acadian genealogist, Placid P. Gaudet, has shown that among the Acadians residing at the Islands of St. Castin, widow of the only son of Louis d'Amours, then 71 year of age, who resided with her son Joseph d'Amours, deChauffour, and his family. Joseph d'Amours was at that time 49 years of age, and his wife, Genevieve Roy, 44 years of age.

But by a stroke of Providence, Monsieur Coquart, missionary to the French, arrived, and I desired the commandant to give me leave to retire which he granted together with a passport permitting me to remain at the priests' house in my mission where I am now." I am indebted to Placide P. Gaudet for the above extract.

'There was the young Laird of Balmawhapple, a Falconer by surname, of the house of Glenfarquhar, given right much to field- sports gaudet equis et canibus but a very discreet young gentleman.

Quicquid agit Rufus, nihil est, nisi Naevia Rufo, Si gaudet, si flet, si tacet, hanc loquitur; Coenat, propinat, poscit, negat, annuit, una est Naevia; si non sit Naevia, mutus erit. Scriberet hesterna patri cum luce salutem Naevia lux, inquit, Naevia numen, ave. Be he joyful or sorrowful, be he even silent, he is still harping upon her.