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"Martius Galeotti, I have been a kind master to thee enriched thee made thee my friend my companion the instructor of my studies. Be open with me, I entreat you. Is there aught in this art of yours in very deed? Shall this Scot's mission be, in fact, propitious to me? And is the measure of our lives so very very nearly matched? Confess, my good Martius, you speak after the trick of your trade.

When obeying the command, or rather the request of Louis for he was in circumstances in which, though a monarch, he could only request Le Glorieux to go in search of Martius Galeotti the jester had no trouble in executing his commission, betaking himself at once to the best tavern in Peronne, of which he himself was rather more than an occasional frequenter, being a great admirer of that species of liquor which reduced all other men's brains to a level with his own.

Galeotti, who was Minister of Justice in the Mazzini ministry, and who cannot be suspected of much favor to the Holy See, declares that, “in the Pontifical government there are many parts deserving of praise; it contains many ancient institutions which are of unquestioned excellence, and there are others of more modern date which the other provinces of Italy might well enjoy.

"And faithful?" said the King; "for valour and fortune square not always with fidelity." But yet " "But what?" said the King; "Father Galeotti, wherefore do you now pause?" "The ears of Kings," said the sage, "are like the palates of those dainty patients which are unable to endure the bitterness of the drugs necessary for their recovery."

"Your honour may say your pleasure," answered' Ludovic Lesly; "but, by my faith, second sighted Saunders Souplesaw, the town souter of Glen Houlakin, was worth Galeotti, or Gallipotty, or whatever ye call him, twice told, for a prophet.

The coil and the switch had been dragged out of the cabinet and thrown on the table. Bottazzi begged them all not to touch it. No one but Scarpa, Galeotti, and Bottazzi knew what it was for. 'At a certain moment Eusapia took hold of the first finger of my right hand and squeezed it with her fingers.

"Then plainly, Sire," replied Galeotti, "if you have aught in your purposed commission which which, in short, may startle a scrupulous conscience intrust it not to this youth, at least, not till a few years' exercise in your service has made him as unscrupulous as others."

"'After reading these articles with avidity, Bottazzi's report begins: 'Professor Galeotti, my associate, and I looked at each other astounded, and the same thoughts in the same words came simultaneously to our lips: "We, too, must see, must touch with our hands and at once here in this laboratory where experiments of the phenomena of life are daily carried on, with the impartiality of men whose object is the discovery of scientific truth, here in this quiet place where sealed doors will be superfluous.

Art thou not ashamed, Martius Galeotti, to see me here and a prisoner, when you recollect by what assurances I was lured hither?"

"As slightly as might be," answered D'Hymbercourt, "only a score or two of the Scottish Guard, and a few knights and gentlemen of his household among whom his astrologer, Galeotti, made the gayest figure." "That fellow," said Crevecoeur, "holds some dependence on the Cardinal Balue I should not be surprised that he has had his share in determining the King to this step of doubtful policy.