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"Joyce," I said, "think what it means. It's just funking life just giving it up because the odds seem too heavy against us. I shouldn't have minded killing Marks in the least. I should be rather proud of it. If I had, we would go away together tomorrow, and I should never worry my head as to what any one in the world was saying or thinking about me." I paused.

The only awkward thing about it was that neither side knew exactly when to stop. Telson claimed the victory after every round, and King respectfully disputed the statement. Telson thereupon taunted his adversary with "funking it," and went at him again, very showy in action, but decidedly feeble in execution.

"Why!" he fumed. "Afraid of the sails. Afraid of a white crew. Too much trouble. Too much work. Too long out here. Easy life and deck-chairs more their mark. Here I sit with the Consul-General's cable before me, and the only man fit for the job not to be found anywhere. I began to think you were funking it, too. . . ." "I haven't been long getting to the office," I remarked calmly.

Lay on to it, you fellows; he can't go straight! Six more strokes and you're into him! One, two, three ha, ha! he's funking it! four, five now a good one for the last six! Hooroo! bump to us! Welch's for ever!"

No better loll for me!" Drawing a punt concealed under some marsh brush, young Levin pushed off to his vessel, made her tidy by a few changes, pulled up the jib, and brought her in to the bank. "Mr. Johnson, I never ketched tarrapin of a Sunday befo', but I reckon tain't no harm." "Harm? what's that?" Joe Johnson sneered. "Hark ye, boy, no funking with me now!

It passes in three strides. I'm always thinking about it. Phil Gadsby funking a fall on parade! Sweet picture, isn't it! Draw it for me. A man like you can't be as bad as that. A fall is no nice thing, but one never gives it a thought. G. Doesn't one?

It's the end that's rotten. The really awful thing was Effie." "Look here " Gwinnie left off rocking and swung herself to the edge of the bed. Her face looked suddenly mature and full of wisdom. "I don't believe in that Effie business. You want to think you stopped it because of Effie; but you didn't. You've got to see it straight.... It was his lying and funking that finished you.

He now fights cautiously, getting away from and parrying the Slogger's lunging hits, instead of trying to counter, and leading his enemy a dance all round the ring after him. "He's funking; go in, Williams," "Catch him up," "Finish him off," scream the small boys of the Slogger party.

I repeat, there is only one assurance that can be given to the recruits without grossly and transparently deluding them; and that is that they shall not be discharged, except at their own request, until civil employment is available for them. *Funking Controversy.*

"Exactly, this fellow's one of them. He's always funking it." Wyndham laughed. "I know who you mean Tedbury, isn't it?" "No, that's not his name," said Riddell. "He's a nicer sort of fellow than Tedbury. There are one or two fellows that are always down on him, too. They see he's no pluck, and so they think they can do what they like with him."