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He now felt the hopelessness and folly of opposition. The idea of getting into a passion with fate! Only weak natures fume at the inevitable. There is a certain dignity in silent, passive despair. Annie's voice singing the closing hymn beside him sounded like an angel's voice across the "great gulf." Almost mechanically he walked down the aisle out into the sunny noon of a warm October day.

The only brightness was that of the red velvet of the benches and the gallery hand-rests. Every deputy of any consequence who entered was named by Massot to his companions. Mege, on being stopped by another member of the little Socialist group, began to fume and gesticulate.

At this Trimalchio fell into a fume; and "whatever lands," said he, "shall be bought me hereafter, if I hear nothing of it in six months, let them never, I charge ye, be brought to any account of mine."

"he dares not show his face when I'm at home, but the minute he thinks me safe, gets into my room and lies in my chair! Drunk, too, by Jove!" he added, as a fume from the sleeper's breath reached the nostrils beginning to dilate with wrath. "What can that wife of mine be about, letting the rascal go on like this! She is faultless except in giving me such a son and then helping him to fool me!"

At mention of the last word, the woman began to fume and swear, and the Judge was obliged to compel her to silence by severe threats. He then sent one of the boys for the proprietor of the house, and after he had in his presence taken all measures for the security of the effects of the deceased, he took the little Sara in his arms, wrapped her in his cloak, and, accompanied by his wife, went out.

He began to fume and fret, cursing himself for allowing Spurge to bring him down there alone if only they had had Gilling and Vickers with them, armed as they were "All right, guv'nor!" Spurge suddenly whispered at his shoulder. "They'll be here in a quarter of an hour I telephoned to 'em." "Do you know what?" exclaimed Copplestone, excitedly.

My aunt would fume about it, but she did nothing. We were all under Deolda's enchantment. As for me, I adored her; she had a look that always disarmed me. She would sit brooding with a look I had come to know as the "Deolda look." Tears would come to her eyes and slide down her face. "Deolda," I would plead, "what are you crying about?" "Life," she answered.

It seemed as if there was some sulphurous fume, which at times made me dizzy. Either there was a roaring in my ears or I heard afar off the howl of wolves. Then I bethought me of my dear Madam Mina, and I was in terrible plight. The dilemma had me between his horns. Her, I had not dare to take into this place, but left safe from the Vampire in that Holy circle.

Incredible that the fume of furnaces ever desecrated that fleece-sown sky of tenderest blue, that hammers clanged and engines roared where now the thrush utters his song so joyously. Hubert Eldon has been as good as his word. In all the valley no trace is left of what was called New Wanley.

Jones sleepy and about to retire, but his blue eyes were soon wide open, with an angry fire in them. "You take the matter very quietly, Mr. Durham;" he said; "more quietly than I could." "I shall not fume about the affair a moment. I prefer to act. The only question for you and the other neighbors to decide is, Will you act with me?