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Total................................................. 114 frs. "Let us put down 120," added Albert, smiling. "You see I am generous, am I not, mother?" "But you, my poor child?" "I? do you not see that I reserve eighty francs for myself? A young man does not require luxuries; besides, I know what travelling is." "With a post-chaise and valet de chambre?" "Any way, mother." "Well, be it so.

'On the 8th of June, 188-, I promise to pay to M. Tantaine or order the sum of five hundred francs for value received, such sum to bear interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. 'Frs. 500. The young man had just completed his signature when Rose made her appearance, bearing a plentiful stock of provisions in her arms.

"Listen, and you will then bless me as your saviour forever after." Bonds of the Mont-de-Piété ..................... 875,250 frs. Deposit in Bank of France ...................... 259,130 frs. Total ................................... 2,058,680 frs."

A really good one costs about Frs. 12.00 or Frs. 14.00, though inferior steel may be had for a great deal less. It should have a ring and be attached to the belt. Dark spectacles or goggles should be included in equipment. A mending outfit is often needed, and at least one member of every party going on tour should carry something with which to mend broken Skis.

Taking a 100-fr. note from her bag, she placed it on the desk, saying, "M. le Kommandantur, here is the 50 frs. fine, and also another 50 frs. which I am glad to subscribe for the starving women and children in Berlin." "No one starves in Berlin," replied the Kommandantur.

Another joy about it is that the frame keeps the sack off the back, so that there is an air space, and the usual poultice effect of an ordinary Rucksack is avoided. There are many different types of Rucksack to be had in Switzerland. They should be waterproof and as the waterproof material is very expensive now, a good serviceable sack costs at least Frs. 17.00 to 25.00.

The price of the element is lower than would be expected at first sight from the employment of so expensive a metal. The present cost of sodium is 10 frs. per kilogramme; but M. Jablochkoff thinks that on the large scale the metal might be obtained at a very low figure. The elements are grouped in sets of ten, hung upon rods in such a manner that the solution as formed may drain off.

I strongly advise all beginners who are bitten by the joy of Ski-ing to buy, at any rate, the small local sheet of the Ordnance Map which usually only costs Frs. 1.30, or roughly 1s., and to study it carefully, noticing the contour lines on the well-known Nursery slopes, and gradually realizing the gradient represented by the different widths between them.

Prince Metternich had said that, even if Piedmont were so troublesome as to persist in her liberal infatuation, she would have to keep quiet, at a moderate computation, for twenty years just the time which it took her king to unite Italy. The two campaigns of 1848-1849 and the war indemnity had cost about 300,000,000 frs. The annual expenditure was doubled.

The Austrians have burnt their Suburbs, the Republicans sold their national and ecclesiastical Estates, and lately they have had the pleasure of being pillaged by French Marshals and satisfying the voracious appetite of the Crown Prince, who put them to an expense of 150,000 frs. in providing his table for 7 weeks, and when they hinted that they thought it but fair their Royal visitor should pay for his own dinners, he departed, leaving his bills unpaid.