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Updated: August 21, 2024

The path up the cliff was hard to climb, and would have been impossible, but for the iron ladder they found ready fix'd for Master Tingcomb's descent. Doubtless, the arch-rascal had waited for his comrades to return, whom Matt. Soames and I had scar'd out of all stomach to do so. His body was nowhere found.

At 2 a.m. tacked to the Westward until near 8, when we again stood off Cape Laguillas, North-West, distance 2 or 3 Leagues. At 9 the weather clear'd up, and the wind fix'd at South by West. We tack'd, and stood to the Westward. At Noon Cape Laguillas bore North-East by North, distant 4 Leagues. The land of this Cape is very low and sandy next the Sea; inland it is of a moderate height.

In order to secure it the more effectually in the ball, there is a hole which receives the one end of the staff of the umbrella, which is secured in it either by a spring or screw, or a sliding or a spring bolt. The umbrella may be taken away from the staff; and either put under the seat of the saddle, or fix'd before the rider.

"The ascending pile Stood fix'd her stately height; and straight the doors Opening their brazen folds, discover, wide Within, her ample spaces, o'er the smooth And level pavement; from the arched roof Pendant by subtle magic, many a row Of starry lamps and blazing crezzets, fed With naphtha and asphaltus, yielded light As from a sky." 7th.

Saturn to generate his Metal Lead, is placed in the upper Heaven above all Stars, but he possesses the lowest and vilest degree in the under-parts of the Earth, even as the supreme Light of Saturn is mounted aloft in the highest supremacy of all the Celestial planets, so hath its Children of the lower Region succeeded it in Kind; and Nature hath permitted that Vulcan should conduct them to their like, if Saturn be content; for the upper light gives occasion thereunto, having generated an unfixt Body of Saturn, penetrated with open pores, that the Air can pass through this Saturnine Body, that the Air can keep it aloft, but the fire can quickly assault it, because the body is not compact by reason of its unfixedness, so that it must decay, which must be in all points observed by him that will attain to the search of it; for there is a great difference between the fix'd and unfix'd bodies, and of the causes of their Constancy and Inconstancy.

So that all three are in Saturn, but they are not fix'd therein, but they are clean, pure, incombustible, fluxible as Wax; in it are all things which the Philosophers have mentioned.

The moment my father got up into his chamber, he threw himself prostrate across his bed in the wildest disorder imaginable, but at the same time in the most lamentable attitude of a man borne down with sorrows, that ever the eye of pity dropp'd a tear for. A fix'd, inflexible sorrow took possession of every line of his face. He sigh'd once heaved his breast often but uttered not a word.

Afterwards I shewed how the greater part of the Matter of this Chaos ought, according to those Laws, to dispose and order it self in a certain manner, which would make it like our Heavens: And how some of these parts were to compose an Earth, and some Planets and Commets, some others a Sun and fix'd Starrs.

"There was I fix'd, I know not how, Condemn'd for untold years to stay Yet years were not; one dreadful Now Endured no change of night or day." Again, the rapid transition from one distant land to another, from the Pole to the Tropics, is common to both experiences. The "ill-favoured ones" who are charged with Sir Eustace's expiation fix him at one moment

Car. What aukard, fond, conceited thing art thou? Veil her, and take the taudry Creature hence. Guil. Fran. How! refuse my Daughter too! I see the Lot of a Cuckold will fall to my share. Guz. Car. Hah! what do I see, by Mahomet, she's fair. Fran. So, so, she's condemn'd; oh, damn'd Mahometan Cannibal! will nothing but raw flesh serve his turn. Car. I'll see no more, here I have fix'd my heart.

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