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Updated: August 6, 2024

He laughed uproariously at his own wit. "Come now; don't be finikin and ladylike!" "I don't make visits," she explained, the color rising angrily in her cheeks. "Gad-a-mercy! Why not?" he interrupted. "Do you think you're too good for us here in Old Chester?" "Oh, Mr. Wright!" "Or perhaps Old Chester is too good for you?"

The bearded creatures are quite as eager for praise, quite as finikin over their toilettes, quite as proud of their personal advantages, quite as conscious of their powers of fascination, as any coquette in the world. Downstairs, then, they went, Joseph very red and blushing, Rebecca very modest, and holding her green eyes downwards.

He's on them confidential terms with hisself and the Almighty that he reckons he ken run a saw-mill and a man's insides at the same time with one hand tied behind him. And this finikin is up to his conceit: he wanted to tell me that that yer handy brush dump outside our shanty was unhealthy.

Ray says, like a Horse's Main. There is a smaller sort than the former call'd the Finikin, but in other respects like the former. There is a sort of Pigeon call'd the Spot, suppos'd, and with good Judgment, to take its Name from the Spot on its Forehead just above its Bill, and the Feathers of its Tail always of the same colour with the Spots, and all the other Feathers are white.

Give a man with frills like that his own way and he'd be a sprinkling odor cologne and peppermint all over the country." "He set your shoulder as well as any doctor," said Minty. "That's bone-settin', and a nat'ral gift," returned Sharpe, as triumphantly as his habitual depression would admit; "it ain't conceit and finikin got out o' books! Well," he added, after a pause, "wot's happened?"

Bradley that I owe to your generous hands and your disinterested liberality the saving of my California fortune." There was the momentary sound of a pushed-back chair, a stamping of feet, and then Mr. Sharpe's voice rose high with the blacksmith's old querulous aggrieved utterance. "So it's that finikin', conceited Bradley agin that's giv' me away!

"Well, as long as it ain't mere finikin," said the lady graciously, "and seems to bring the folks and their vittles nearer together we'll try it to-day. It does look kinder CITYFIED and I reckoned that was all the good it was. But I calkilated you were goin' to check the crockery this morning." "It's done," said Reddy, smilingly handing her the account-book. Mrs.

He sez yer's strong ez a hoss." "Bradley," said Sharpe, laying aside his sledge with an aggrieved manner which was, however, as complacent as his fatigue and discontent, "ez one of them nat'ral born finikin skunks ez I despise. I reckon he began to give p'ints to his parents when he was about knee-high to Richelieu there.

Such is the Italy of the Renaissance as we see it in the works of our tragic playwrights: a country of mysterious horror, the sinister reputation of which lasted two hundred years; lasted triumphantly throughout the light and finikin eighteenth century, and found its latest expression in the grim and ghastly romances of the school of Ann Radcliff, romances which are but the last puny and grotesque descendants of the great stock of Italian tragedies, born of the first terror-stricken meeting of the England of Elizabeth with the Italy of the late Renaissance.

Take good care not to stop, in any sort of conversation, to adjust your bands, or to pull up your stockings to make them join so as to look more gallant. Do not let your nails be full of dirt or too long. Have a great regard for the cleanliness of your hands, but do not be finikin about it. 16th.

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