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He bequeathed his fortune most advantageously invested in a house in Dusseldorf and in public funds yielding a yearly income of about thirty-five thousand marks, to his two friends, Dr Schrotter and Dr Eynhardt, with the sole charge that out of it they should provide a sufficient competency for his old servant, dating from his father's time, who had attended him literally from the cradle to the grave.

Eynhardt, but by me. I did not say either that the occurrence was unimportant, but that it had no general significance that it was not a proof of the prevailing feeling at large." "It comes to the same thing whether you say it has no importance or no significance," interrupted the informer. "That gentleman may have made the remark, but I certainly heard it, and as a loyal servant of his majesty "

Bhani appeared not to be waiting on a mortal master, but taking part in a sacrifice in a temple, so much devotion was expressed in her noble, warmly-colored face. A dish of curry spread its oriental scent through the room, and Schrotter continued: "Tell me, dear Eynhardt, in what way you mean to accomplish your fakir's contempt of the world?"

Eynhardt had come and gone away again, without saying good-day to her. As she was going to ask what the visit meant, Malvine came and embraced her grandmother, crying bitterly, to the old lady's great distress. With many tears she had given a confused and broken account of the interview with Wilhelm, begging Frau Brohl to comfort her and foretell that it should end well.

"Come, you fellows, that's enough joking. This defection of yours, melancholy Eynhardt, combines obstinacy with wisdom, like Balaam's ass! Well! may you rest in peace. And now let us be off." The glasses, filled with clear Affenthaler, rang merrily together, the smiling landlord took up his money, and the company rose noisily from the wooden bench, overturning it with a bang.

In trying to fulfill my duties as a man and a citizen, I cannot hang a sign of my bravery on me for all passers-by to see." "You speak like a tragedy, my dear Herr Eynhardt," said the adjutant. "But just as you like. You can have the satisfaction of having done something unique. It is hardly a usual thing to refuse the Iron Cross." As he went out with a distant bow, Dr.

Eynhardt as long as he was guarded by the tall, bony old lady who opened the door but would not leave hold of it. In place of the visitors he now received letters, as many as if he had been a cabinet minister.

Eynhardt made the remark." "Whether he said 'no importance' or 'no significance, it is all the same thing, and one cannot so easily distinguish the speaker when one is walking behind. I may have been mistaken on that point." "You do not repudiate the remark?" asked the magistrate of Schrotter in his most biting tones. "Your expression is not very happily chosen.

What was wanting in Eynhardt to make him not only a harmonious but a useful being? Obviously only the will. But was this want an organic one?

"Yes, friend Eynhardt," he said; "you will send in the petition, and it will, I hope, have the desired result. Do it for my sake. Yes, look at me; I have need of you. I miss you. I am getting to be an old man. At sixty years of age one does not make new friendships. All the more carefully does one keep those one has. Berlin has seemed to me a desert almost unbearable, without you.