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Now if Haber were to die to-day, a flourishing tract of land and a hundred people whose existence he has improved would testify aloud that his term on earth had not been in vain. "And for all that, Eynhardt was a rare and noble character, and Haber the personification of all that is commonplace and work-a-day. Eynhardt's gaze was on the stars, Haber's eyes fixed on the ground at his feet.

Eynhardt to the Lutzowstrasse. If Paul came alone he was mortified to see a shadow pass over Malvine's face, and he was forced to listen to a string of inquiries after his friend.

Malvine was evidently expecting this, she ran to the door and called into the next room: "Come here, Willy come quick Uncle Eynhardt is here and wants to see you." Whereupon the boy came bounding in, and threw himself with a shout of delight upon Wilhelm's neck. Willy was still his mother's only child.

Therefore, it is possible to imagine that some one may find happiness in pursuing a profession." "Oh, no, my dear Herr Eynhardt, those are the mistaken views of gloomy and limited natures who are incapable of recognizing the true object of life. There are no two ideals of happiness there is but one." "And that is?" "To wish for something very, very much and get it."

A week later, to the very day, early in the morning a police officer brought Wilhelm an official document summoning him to appear that afternoon before the head police authorities in the Stadtvogtei. He presented himself at the appointed hour in the office, and handed the document to an official, who, after glancing at it, asked: "You are Dr. Wilhelm Eynhardt? "Yes."

But, proud and reserved, he scorned to acknowledge his troubles to any but himself, and it was only in his diary that he unburdened himself of all that weighed upon his heart and mind. And now he sat at his study table and wrote in the big book. "My poor Eynhardt! Only a year since he departed, and already it is as if he had never been. What remains of him?

"No." "And if Herr von Pechlar challenges you?" "He challenge me?" "Certainly; for although he is the direct offender, we can't overlook the fact, dear Eynhardt, that you first insulted him, which by a nice point of honor would justify him in taking the first steps. The man is evidently bent on a quarrel, so we have to consider the possibility that he may send his second with a challenge."

And you are at present the chairman of a district society of progressive opinions?" "I have that honor." "There is nothing further against you. And you, Dr. Eynhardt, you refused the Iron Cross in the late campaign?" "Yes." "You were discharged from the army without comment?" "Yes." "For declining a duel," observed Schrotter. "Dr. Eynhardt is of age, and can answer for himself.

Eynhardt was in need of being comforted, it was the duty of his friends to try to overcome his sorrow. She proposed that Paul should bring him as often as possible, and she obtained from Frau Brohl the unwonted permission of inviting him to the Sunday luncheon.

Herr von Pechlar had waited the whole afternoon; but as Herr Eynhardt had sent him no message, he could no longer put off demanding satisfaction. The questions as to who was the offender, and what weapons should be used, might now be decided by the seconds. Wilhelm looked calmly into the officer's eyes, and explained that he had nothing further to do with Herr von Pechlar.