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Updated: August 28, 2024

Any drug or substance that raises the blood pressure by stimulating the vasomotor center or the arterioles, when constantly repeated, will be a cause of hypertension. This is particularly true of caffein and nicotin. Also, anything that might stimulate, or that does stimulate, the suprarenal glands will cause a continued high blood pressure. Pharmacol. and Exper.

If more heart pain is caused, the dose of digitalis is too large, or it is contraindicated. Exper. They also found that when digitalis is given by the mouth, the electrocardiograph showed that its full activity was not reached until from thirty-six to forty-eight hours after it had been taken.

They think that the slowing of the heart after such purging may be, due to an increased viscosity of the blood, or perhaps to a reflex irritation from the purgative on the intestinal canal. Pharmacol. and Exper. Chloroform, of course, depressed the vasomotor center, but ether had no effect on this center, or slightly stimulated it.

This curious subject deserves further investigation. See Dictamnus. The ceasing to shine of this plant after twilight might induce one to conceive, that it absorbed and emitted light, like the Bolognian Phosphorus, or calcined oyster-shells, so well explained by Mr. B. Wilson, and by T. B. Beccari. Exper. on Phosphori, by B. Wilson. Dodsley.

"Now I am an exper'; a real exper'! When I want to flip a flapjack I just whirl her up through the chimney and catch her by holdin' the frying pan out'n the window!" I found at another point a slender, beardless young chap, with bright black eyes, and hectic cheeks, engaged in sketching one of the miners who posed before him.

Hewson Exper. Enquir. Albini Annot. Acad. L. i. c. 15. Add to this, that the immediate organs of sense have no objects to excite them in the darkness and silence of the night, but their nerves of sense nevertheless continue to possess their perfect activity subservient to all their numerous sensitive connections.

It is free to introduce its sting into any part of the body, and yet with extreme certainty it strikes the two ganglions already mentioned. "Étude sur l'Instinct et les Metamorphoses des Sphégiens," Ann. Sc. Nat., iv. Série, t. 6, 1856. P. Marchal, "Observations sur l'Ammophila affinis," Arch. de Zool. expér. et génér., ii. Série, t. 10, 1892.

See post, under Sept. 29, 1783. 'The delight which men have in popularity, fame, honour, submission, and subjection of other men's minds, wills, or affections, although these things may be desired for other ends, seemeth to be a thing in itself, without contemplation of consequence, grateful and agreeable to the nature of man. Bacon's Nat. Hist. Exper. No. 1000. See ante, ii. 178.

There are facts, however, which prove that all species are not sterile inter se, and that their characters when they are hybridised do not always segregate in Mendelian fashion. Exper. In the former cross he states that except for one or two characters there seemed to be no more tendency to variation in the F2 generation than in the F1. The statement is, however, open to criticism.

One of these is to graft ovaries or testes from one animal into another which possesses a certain somatic character, and then to see if the offspring produced from these gonads shows any trace of the character of the foreign soma in which it was nourished. Exper. He grafted the ovaries of two Black Leghorn pullets into two White pullets of the same breed, and vice versa.

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