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When animals are castrated there is enlargement of the ductless glands in the body, notably the thyroid and the suprarenal capsules. It is evident, therefore, that the secretions of these ductless glands are in some degree compensatory to those of the testes. But this compensatory action is inadequate to produce any sexual development in the absence of the testes.

Diabetes causes low blood pressure, provided there are no nephritis and no marked suprarenal stimulation. Excessive use of alcohol, while tending to promote hypertension by the disturbances that it causes, may give, by causing a weak heart muscle, a permanent low blood pressure. A single large dose of alcohol always lowers the blood pressure.

Neurasthenic patients quite generally have hypotension, although occasionally with suprarenal disturbance they may have an increased tension. Jour. A systolic pressure of 110 mm. or lower in an adult should be considered hypotension, anything below 105 mm. calls for treatment, and a systolic pressure of 100 or lower in an adult calls for rest from all active duties.

Any drug or substance that raises the blood pressure by stimulating the vasomotor center or the arterioles, when constantly repeated, will be a cause of hypertension. This is particularly true of caffein and nicotin. Also, anything that might stimulate, or that does stimulate, the suprarenal glands will cause a continued high blood pressure. Pharmacol. and Exper.

In this, he described a fatal disease during which the individual affected became languid and weak, and developed a dingy or smoky discoloration of the whole surface of the body, a browning or bronzing of the skin, caused generally by destructive tuberculous disease of the suprarenal or adrenal bodies.

Also, the quickened action of the heart increases the blood pressure. After a rest from the exercise, the extra amount of carbon dioxid is eliminated from the blood, the suprarenal glands decrease their activity, and the blood pressure falls.

We may therefore tentatively assume that the fever which marks the onset and frequently the course of these benign stupors is the result of a failure of the heat loss function, this being due to an imbalance in the involuntary nervous system that is occasioned, in turn, by insufficient circulating adrenalin, and the final cause for the poor suprarenal function is to be traced to the most consistent symptom of the stupor, namely, apathy.

Bunkum!" The young men who were sent down to him knew only hospital practice; and they came with the unconcealed scorn for the General Practitioner which they had absorbed in the air at the hospital; but they had seen only the complicated cases which appeared in the wards; they knew how to treat an obscure disease of the suprarenal bodies, but were helpless when consulted for a cold in the head.

There is a series of organs in the body which has long puzzled physiologists, organs of glandular aspect, but having no ducts, the spleen, the thyroid and thymus bodies, and the suprarenal capsules.

Cardiac Tonics: Digiralis, strophanthus, caffein, strychnin. 2. Cardiac Stimulants: Camphor, alcohol, ammonia. 3. Vasodilators: Nitrites, iodids, thyroid extract. 4. Cardiac Nutritives: Iron, calcium. 5. Cardiac Emergency Drugs: Ergot, suprarenal active principle, pituitary active principle, atropin, morphin, and also some of the drugs already mentioned.