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"The ring or contact test for indol," Kennedy replied, with evident satisfaction. "When the acid and the nitrites are mixed the colour reaction is unsatisfactory. The natural yellow tint masks that pink tint, or sometimes causes it to disappear, if the tube is shaken. But this is simple, clear, delicate unescapable. There was indol in that food of yours, Mr. Pitts." "Indol?" repeated Pitts.

If there is no cardiac dropsy, but other symptoms of heart tire are manifest and the blood pressure is high, the nitrites are valuable. The amount should be sufficient to lower the blood pressure. Sometimes the diastolic pressure is high and the systolic low and the pressure pulse small because of heart insufficiency; such a condition is often improved by digitalis.

Cardiac Tonics: Digiralis, strophanthus, caffein, strychnin. 2. Cardiac Stimulants: Camphor, alcohol, ammonia. 3. Vasodilators: Nitrites, iodids, thyroid extract. 4. Cardiac Nutritives: Iron, calcium. 5. Cardiac Emergency Drugs: Ergot, suprarenal active principle, pituitary active principle, atropin, morphin, and also some of the drugs already mentioned.

They found that the nitrites caused a fall in venous pressure as well as arterial pressure, although the heart might be accelerated and more regular. They think that the nitrites act by depressing the nerve endings in the veins as well as the arteries.

Ammonia, which is one of the products of putrefactive de- composition, contains no oxygen, and nitrites, another factor, contains less oxygen than nitrates. These bodies are thus too simple for plants to make use of as a source of nitrogen.

There are apparently several different kinds of nitrifying bacteria with different powers. By the action of other species still higher nitrogen compounds, including the nitrites, are further oxidized and built up into the form of nitrates.

The proteids are broken to pieces, and their nitrogen elements reduced to the form of nitrates, leucin, etc, or even to ammonia or free nitrogen. Further, a second process occurs, the process of oxidation of these nitrogen compounds already noticed, and the ammonia and nitrites resulting from the decomposition are built into nitrates.

Besides sugar, which is present in this sap to the extent of 616 grains nearly an ounce and a half per gallon, there are present a mere trace of mucilage; no starch; no tannin; 31/2 grains per gallon of ammoniacal salts yielding 10 per cent. of nitrogen; 3 grains of albuminoid matter yielding 10 per cent. of nitrogen; a distinct trace of nitrites; 7.4 grains of nitrates containing 17 per cent. of nitrogen; no chlorides, or the merest trace; no sulphates; no sodium salts; a little of potassium salts; much phosphate and organic salts of calcium; and some similar magnesian compounds.

Therefore the perfunctory use of such drugs as nitrite of amyl and the other nitrites may not be in the least indicated when, for example, the venous pressure depends upon inability of the right heart to perform its functions, and the drug needed may, for example, be digitalis.

But to distinguish smaller subdivisions it has been found necessary to fall back upon other characters, such as the shape of the colony produced in solid gelatine, the power to produce disease, or to oxidize nitrites, etc. Thus at present the different species are distinguished rather by their physiological than their morphological characters.