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Updated: August 16, 2024

He had a good deal the same views about the quarter-back, in fact he took what they call a purely personal estimate of life. He showed me how to play football. It's pleasant pastime, but too excitin' for a frail thing like me. He gave me his cap to carry, an' told me to back off about twenty feet, an' try to run over him, or stick my stiff-arm in his face or dodge him any way at all to get by.

And I'll admit that all this preparation seemed kind of foolish there in the office. Ten minutes later I knew it wasn't. Not a bit. "Do we go down in a car or something?" asks Waddy. "Not if you go with me," says Llanders. "We'll walk down Slope 8. Before we start, however, it will be best for me to tell you that this was a drowned mine." "Listens excitin'," says I. "Meanin' what?"

It's a very rich and comfortable 'ouse, miss; and the way they two goes on is most excitin'. It's joke, joke, and play, play, from morn till night that's the ma and steppa of Miss Maggie. I've brought a letter from Mrs. Martin to be delivered straight to Miss Maggie." "I can give it to her," said Aneta in her calm voice.

But if you want to hear somethin' good, you want to git Bill goin' about Coloraydo. Sure, Mr. Lightfoot is our best story-teller; and he's had some mighty excitin' times up there in them parts, hain't you, Bill?" Bill cast a baleful glance at his rival and thrust out his chin insolently. His Coloraydo experiences were a matter of jest with Jeff Creede, but with the ladies it might be different.

"Well!" he exclaimed. "What's comin' now? More secrets? Blessed if this ain't gettin' more excitin' than the South Seas. I used to think excitement in Trumet was scurcer than cream in poorhouse coffee, but I'll have to change my mind." "Nat, when that morning after your father died and after you and Grace had agreed to to " "To do somethin' neither of us wanted to do? Yes, I know. Go ahead."

She's never been in a motor and she's near ninety, so she'd better hurry up or she'll be ridin' in a chariot and after that a motorcar wouldn't be excitin'." The old ladies were bundled up, Grandma Perkins was carried out to the car, and they were off to the city about twenty miles away. The women were awed at first, and rather uneasy, some of them a little frightened.

But just as we rounded a curve an' came into a long straight piece o' the road, I hears a high-risin' swoosh an' before it finished an' before the bang o' the burst reached us, spout goes a cloud o' black smoke 'way far down the road. "This," says the Left'nant, "is goin' to be highly interestin', not to say excitin', presently.

"There'll be somethin' a heap more excitin' than fiddlin' and dancin', accordin' to my guess," returned Young Matt. "What do you mean?" asked Sammy. Her escort pointed to the print of a mule's shoe in the soft soil of the low bottom land. "That there's Wash Gibbs's dun mule, and he's headed down the creek for Jennings's still.

"That's a dead sure thing, Perk," whispered Jack, "and chances are it's hid in the midst of that live-oak clump yonder, where I take it the land lies high and dry." "I swan but this is gettin' real excitin' an' suits me okay," breathed the duly thrilled Perk, who felt there was no longer any reason for calling things tame.

Nothin' like a bit o' batchin' ter teach a cove. An' you mind, Captin if you start anywhere on yer own, you batch decent; keep things clean an' don't get into the way o' livin' just any'ow. I ain't much, nor the meenoo ain't excitin'; but things is clean." "Well I have a sister," said Bob. "So I'm in luck. But I guess I know a bit more about her side of the job now."

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