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Tatt standing in the middle of the high road, excitably making a note of the evidence just collected, in a new legal memorandum-book. As soon as Mat was alone, the ominous question suggested itself to him again: Had he lost the last chance of tracing Arthur Carr?

When she answered, some renewal of trepidation in her voice was due to the man's earnestness, not to any apprehension of his claim. "I am telling God's own truth, master," she said. "I have never set eyes upon ye in my life, and if I had, I would have known it. There be some mistake, indeed." Then timorously: "Whom whom might ye take me for?" The man raised his voice, more excitably than angrily.

"I thank you," retorted her host. "Perhaps if you treated your daughter even a decent Indian's kind of politeness, you'd enjoy better health." "Ah! And in what failure to perform my duty toward her have I incurred your displeasure?" "Where is she now?" exclaimed the other excitably. "Where is she now?" "I cannot say." "Yes, you can, Robert Carewe!" Mrs. Tanberry retorted, with a wrathful gesture.

This gentleman jumped up and sat down again excitably a dozen times in a minute; constantly apologizing on being called to order, and constantly repeating the offense the moment afterwards. Mad and mysterious words, never heard before in Rubbleford, poured from his lips.

I think those were the words, as reported excitably, in my presence, by the Young Person. At any rate, the Countess insisted on making the tea, and carried her ridiculous ostentation of humility so far as to take one cup herself, and to insist on the girl's taking the other.

Lucy produced the novels for Miss Lydia Languish's private reading from under her cloak. The manager rose excitably to his feet. Marvelous! No hurry with the books; no dropping them. She looked at the titles before she announced them to her mistress; she set down "Humphrey Clinker" on "The Tears of Sensibility" with a smart little smack which pointed the antithesis.

Without paying the slightest attention to what Emily had said, she went on again more loudly and more excitably than ever. "Listen, miss listen! The dreadful part of it is to come; you haven't heard about the two gentlemen yet. Did Miss Letitia fancy she was addressing a lot of people when you were nursing her? She called out, like a person making public proclamation, when I was in her room.

Yells of "Turn him out!" and "Police!" followed; people at the other end of the room jumped up excitably on their seats; the women screamed, the men shouted and swore, glasses were broken, sticks were waved, benches were cracked, and, in one instant, the stranger was assailed by every one of his neighbors who could get near him, on pretense of turning him out.

"Their interest pah!" he flung back excitably and made a violent gesture with his cigarette. "They peer at the bride with their haggard eyes, and they say, 'What! You have not seen your husband till to-day! How strange how strange! Has he not written to you?

"You villain!" she screamed excitably, rushing up to the mate. "Take me back; take me back!" "What's all this, Harry?" demanded the skipper sternly. "He he he asked me to go into the cab cabin," sobbed Mrs. Jansell, "and sent me to sleep, and too too took me away. My husband'll kill me; I know he will. Take me back."