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Updated: August 5, 2024

When the aneurysm presses on the vertebræ and erodes them, the symptoms simulate those of spinal caries, particularly if, as sometimes happens, symptoms of compression paraplegia ensue. In its growth the swelling may press upon and displace the adjacent viscera, and so interfere with their functions.

It erodes easily under running water, but it does not slide; sand and clay are in such proportions as to make a brittle but not a friable soil. Before you are out of Colorado, you begin to see these novel architectural features on the horizon-line the canon turned bottom side up, as it were. In New Mexico, the canon habit of the erosion forces is still more pronounced.

LATERAL EROSION. On reaching grade a river ceases to scour its bed, and it does not again begin to do so until some change in load or volume enables it to find grade at a lower level. On the other hand, a stream erodes its banks at all stages in its history, and with graded rivers this process, called lateral erosion, or PLANATION, is specially important.

The rain erodes it into the oddest of forms, leaving projecting ridges almost as sharp as knife-edges, with irregular hollows pitting the surface, so that it forms a most insecure and unpleasant foot-hold for the animals. Not only so, but the surface, rough as it is, is frequently as polished as glass, and, whether wet or dry, is slippery to the tread.

Or was there a great break in the fold of granite, which let the river continue on its way? Or was there, at that particular point, a softer stone, like this limestone here, which erodes easily?" "You must ask somebody wiser than I." "Well, let's not perplex our minds with its origin. It is, and that's enough for any mind. Ah! listen! Now you will hear my Singing Cliffs."

At the present rate of recession which will reach the head of Goat Island the sooner, the American or the Horseshoe Falls? What will be the fate of the Falls left behind when the other has passed beyond the head of the island? The rate at which a stream erodes its bed depends in part upon the nature of the rocks over which it flows.

In the former case, where the mouths of the cutaneous lymphatics become torpid or quiescent, the fluid secreted on the skin ceases to be absorbed, and erodes the skin by its saline acrimony, and produces eruptions termed herpes, the discharge from which is as salt, as the tears, which are secreted too fast to be reabsorbed, as in grief, or when the puncta lacrymalia are obstructed, and which running down the cheek redden and inflame the skin.

He says that it erodes without cause, penetrating ever deeper and deeper, and cannot be stopped until it emits a secretion worse than the poison of wild beasts, copious and abominable to the smell. With these other symptoms pains are present. This form of cancer is especially made worse by drugs and by all manner of manipulation.

The bed of a mature glacier may form a long basin, since it abrades most in its upper and middle course, where its weight and motion are the greatest. Near the terminus, where weight and motion are the least, it erodes least, and may instead deposit a sheet of ground moraine, much as a river builds a flood plain in the same part of its course as it approaches maturity.

All strictly glacial deposits are unstratified. The load laid down at the end of a glacier in the terminal moraine is loose in texture, while the drift lodged beneath the glacier as ground moraine is often an extremely dense, stony clay, having been compacted under the pressure of the overriding ice. EROSION. A glacier erodes its bed and banks in two ways, by abrasion and by plucking.

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