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Updated: August 26, 2024

Foremost was I in exhorting to bend to the God for atonement This the offence that enrag'd Agamemnon, who, instantly rising, Utter'd the menacing word which his insolence now has accomplish'd. Home at the last unto Chrysa the quick-eyed oarsmen of Argos.

Enrag'd Laocoon, with prophetick beat, Prest thro' the crowd, that on his humour wait; And with a javelin pierc'd the fatal horse, But fate retards the blow, and stopt its force: The spear jumpt back upon the priest, so nigh, It gave new credit to the treachery.

The bear, enrag'd, th' affrighted moon shall dread; The lilies o'er the vales triumphant spread; Nor shall the lion, wont of old to reign Despotick o'er the desolated plain, Henceforth th' inviolable bloom invade, Or dare to murmur in the flow'ry glade; His tortur'd sons shall die before his face, While he lies melting in a lewd embrace; And, yet more strange! his veins a horse shall drain, Nor shall the passive coward once complain.

In short, they yet smell of the wine they profusely gave themselves with my money." Lycas, that the offenders might atone for their crime, order'd each of them forty stripes; we were immediately brought to the place of execution; where the enrag'd seamen set upon us with ropes-ends, and try'd to offer our blood a sacrifice for their safety. I bore three stripes very heroically.

The Greeks, enrag'd to be so long repell'd, With their chief troops the beasts vast bowel's fill'd, And thus their arms and all their hopes conceal'd. Strange was the fate the rul'd unhappy Troy, Who thought them gone, and lasting peace t'enjoy, So the inscription of the machine said, And treacherous Synon, for their ruin made.

One of the Tacking Feathers being accidentally met by a Grandee's Footman, whom it seems wanted some Manners, the Slave began to haloo him in the Street, with a Tacker, a Tacker, a Feather-Fool, a Tacker, &c. and so brought the Mob about him, and had not the Grandee himself come in the very interim, and rescu'd the Feather, the Mob had demolisht him, they were so enrag'd.

I wonder'd what my sleepless nights, my waking eternal thoughts, and slumbering visions of my lovely brother meant: I wonder'd why my soul was continually fill'd with wishes and new desires; and still concluded 'twas for my sister all, 'till I discover'd the cheat by jealousy; for when my sister hung upon your neck, kiss'd, and caress'd that face that I ador'd, oh how I found my colour change, my limbs all trembled, and my blood enrag'd, and I could scarce forbear reproaching you; or crying out, 'Oh why this fondness, brother?

"The bear, enrag'd, th' affrighted moon shall dread." The terrour created to the moon by the anger of the bear, is a strange expression, but may, perhaps, relate to the apprehensions raised in the Turkish empire, of which a crescent, or new moon, is the imperial standard, by the increasing power of the emperess of Russia, whose dominions lie under the northern constellation, called the Bear.

Circe, enrag'd to be so affronted, had recourse to revenge, and calling the grooms that belong'd to the house, made them give me a warming; nor was she satisfi'd with this, but calling all the servant-wenches, and meanest of the house, she made 'em spit upon me.

The Husband is never so enrag'd as to put his Adulteress to Death; if she is caught in the Fact, the Rival becomes Debtor to the cornuted Husband, in a certain Quantity of Trifles valuable amongst them, which he pays as soon as discharg'd, and then all Animosity is laid aside betwixt the Husband, and his Wife's Gallant.

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