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Neither was it a poor caravan drawn by a single donkey or emaciated horse, for a pair of horses in pretty good condition were released from the shafts and grazing on the frouzy grass. And that it was not an unprovided or destitute caravan was clear from this lady's occupation, which was the very pleasant and refreshing one of taking tea.

Those ascetics, all of whom were cheerful and filled with devotion and who were all practising the Brahma-frame of mind, did not show any kind of feeling for us. We had been exceedingly tired. Our penances had emaciated us. Only those foremost of regenerate persons whom these white men honoured with their glances, become competent to behold the great God.

In July, 1866, more than three years after the injury, he called on Dr. Peabody to undergo an examination with a view of applying for a pension, stating that his health was affected from the presence of an arrow-head. He was much emaciated, and expressed himself as tired of life.

He opened his eyes and whispered hoarsely, "Jacob Welse . . . despatches . . . from the Outside." He plucked feebly at his open shirt, and across his emaciated chest they saw the leather strap, to which, doubtless, the despatch-pouch was slung. At either end of the canoe there was room to spare, but amidships Corliss was forced to paddle with the man between his knees.

Among the rugs lay a dark-skinned savage, half naked and frightfully emaciated, while on the end of the raft rested a canoe much worn and battered. "What on earth does this mean?" exclaimed Chutney. "Where did you get that fellow? Is he dead?" "No, he lives," replied Canaris. "I heard a strange cry out on the lake. That was the time I fired my rifle.

When a man emaciated from having gone through a famine, and further enfeebled after repeated prostrations by ague, at length rises up and gorges himself with farinaceous food, half ripe and half cooked, the consequences are not difficult to divine.

They were not remembered at the hut, and neither of the boys recalled the others, because the emaciated condition of the two was such as to make recognition impossible, and Ralph and Tom were too much excited to know or care who had delivered them, but they recognized the Professor before it dawned on them that the two boys were their former companions.

Upon hearing this he appeared satisfied and consented to come on board. Good God! Margaret, if you had seen the man who thus capitulated for his safety, your surprise would have been boundless. His limbs were nearly frozen, and his body dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering. I never saw a man in so wretched a condition.

My water cure and the hydropathic establishment became more and more distasteful to me; I longed for my work, and the desire to get back to it made me quite ill. I tried obstinately to conceal from myself that the object of my cure had entirely failed; indeed, it had really done me more harm than good, for although the evil secretions had not returned, my whole body seemed terribly emaciated.

The spare and stately form, the head massive, emaciated, terrible with the great nose, the glittering eyes, and the mouth drawn back and compressed into the grim rigidities of age, self- mortification, and authority such is the vision that still lingers in the public mind the vision which, actual and palpable like some embodied memory of the Middle Ages, used to pass and repass, less than a generation since, through the streets of London.