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Their hour will come without our anticipating it. And then he wrung my hand warmly, in token that he understood my feelings too, and did not overmuch blame me. 'One thing at least is certain, said Lancelot. 'You must not return to the mercies of those villains. Mr. Ebrow drew himself stiffly up.

'Well and good, sir, said Mr. Ebrow. 'Have you anything more to say, for my masters did but give me a quarter of an hour, and I feel sure that my time must be expired by now? 'Only this, answered Lancelot, 'that if they want to fly their black flag over this island they must come and take it from us.

When they had withdrawn out of gunshot, their scarlet suits glowing like two patches of blood on the water, then Lancelot, still bidding our line to be on guard against any surprise, withdrew with me and the clergyman and two or three of our friends a little way up the beach. And there we called upon Mr. Ebrow to tell us all that he had to tell.

Already the pirates were scouring back into the woods, and though certain of our men had the presence of mind to empty their muskets after them, and bring down the two rogues who had carried the sham Ebrow to us, most of us were occupied in peering through the loopholes on the other side of the fortress at a blessed sight.

Ebrow, stiff and strong, flung himself upon Marjorie and caught her in his arms. Quickly though the act was done, I still had time to think that Mr. Ebrow's calamities had turned his brain, and to feel vexation at the increase to our difficulties with a mad-man in our midst. In the next instant I saw that Mr.

There was to me something infinitely touching in the way in which she spoke to me, as if she felt she had a claim upon me the claim that a sister might have upon a brother. I told her that Mr. Ebrow, being a man of God, was a better guide and counsellor than I, but that forgiveness was a noble charity. Indeed, I was at a loss what to say, with my heart so wrung.

Ebrow in the woods, tied nearly naked to a tree, alive and well, if very weak; but without a complaint on his lips or in his heart. I was one of the earliest to go aboard the frigate, and the first sight I saw on her decks was a group of women huddled together in all the seeming of despair.

Ebrow, 'they declare war against you; they will give you no quarter 'Let them wait till they are asked! I broke in; but Lancelot rested his hand restrainingly upon my arm. 'As for the matter of quarter, he said, 'it may prove in the end more our business to give it than to seek for it.

For my part I was glad to hear that the poor man was still alive, for I feared that the pirates had killed him after their first attempt. But I saw Lancelot's face flush with anger, and his voice shook as he called out that if any harm came to Mr. Ebrow he would hold every man of the gang responsible for his life.

Ebrow, who had so strengthened us by his exhortation during our peril on board the Royal Christopher. When Lancelot saw whom they had with them and the way that those villains treated their captive I noted that his face paled, and that there came a look into his eyes which I had not often seen there, but which meant no good for Jensen and his scum if Lancelot got the top of them.