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"How do you do, child! Let me take off your hood and cloak. Why, she isn't very stout or rosy. She might have been born here in the east wind. And she is an Adams through and through." "Do you think so?" with an expression of pleasure, as Recompense held her off and looked her over. "Are her eyes black?" rather disapprovingly. "No, the very darkest blue you can imagine," said Mr. Adams.

Availing himself of the present favourable opportunity of entering into some conversation with her, he inquired whose daughter she might be, and whether she thought her father could afford him and his attendants; and camels, sufficient accommodation? In the east this was so common an act of hospitality, that the question did not appear strange, or the request obtrusive.

"'Husband! brother! she cried, 'listen to me, and give up the mad errand on which ye are bent; for the bloodhound is snuffing the air and gnashing its teeth, and the hooded crow clapping its wings for a feast, and the owl has looked east, west, north, and south, from the auld turret it has screamed wi' joy, and its eyes are fixed on Simprin!

"The smelling-salts quick!" said Miss Middleton, as she closed her eyes. "Doing dumb-bells. Ten lunges to the east, ten lunges to the west, ten lunges " "Were you reducing your figure?" "I don't know what I was doing. But there I found myself on the cold oil-cloth, lunging away lunging and lunging and " I stopped and gazed into the fire again.

The alterations are usually for the better. The daffodil is not an aquatic plant, as the poet seems to assert in the first form "The yellow-leaved water-lily, The green sheathed daffodilly, Tremble in the water chilly, Round about Shalott." Nobody can prefer to keep "Though the squally east wind keenly Blew, with folded arms serenely By the water stood the queenly Lady of Shalott."

At the first he could not travel to his enemy because of the child in his care; when finally he had succeeded in placing the little girl where he would be satisfied to leave her, he himself was suddenly and peremptorily called east to take a post in Rupert's Land. He could not disobey and remain in the Company, and the Company was more to him than life or revenge.

Simultaneously with this a movement was made in the East against the capital of the Confederacy. "One evening, a few days prior to Gen.

Voyage to China and the East Indies, by Rel. Osbeck; with a Voyage to Surat, by Torreens; and an Account of the Chinese Husbandry, by Ekelberg. Translated from the German by J.R. Forster. To which is added a Fauna et Flora Sinensis. 1777, 2 vols. 8vo.

There are Transitional Norman arches at the east end of the nave, but most of the work is Decorated or Perpendicular. The windows of the latter period in the south transept are singularly happy in the wonderful amount of light they allow to flood through their pale yellow glass.

Great purity of speech is presumptive evidence of several lives spent in other than vulgarly useful occupations; although its evidence is by no means entirely conclusive to this point. As felicitous an instance of futile classicism as can well be found, outside of the Far East, is the conventional spelling of the English language.