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He had never known such statics. He was familiar with electrical disturbances in the ether, but this was beyond anything in his experience. Moreover, when he next tried to use his instruments he discovered that something had put the whole apparatus out of commission. About an hour later he felt a pronounced pressure in his eardrums, which gradually passed off.

"That's the idea. Stand here, please, behind Number One gun, and watch straight ahead of you for the shot you must watch very closely or you will miss it and remember to keep your mouth open to save your eardrums from being injured by the concussion." So far as I personally was concerned this last bit of advice was unnecessary my mouth was open already.

He took the helmet out of Raf's hands and, drawing a small case of delicate instruments from his belt pouch, unscrewed the ear plates of the com device and made some adjustments. "Now that will keep you on the buzzer without bursting your eardrums. Try it." Raf fastened on the helmet and started away from the flitter.

He scanned the lady viciously, felt her masculine tenor thumping on his eardrums, understood nothing, and thought: "The devil sent you . . . as though I wanted to listen to your tosh! It's not my fault you've written a play, is it? My God! what a thick manuscript! What an infliction!"

He called up Professor Brierly. Jack, who answered the phone, assured him that everything was peaceful there also. He called up the office again. This time he was connected directly with the city room. When he identified himself his eardrums were almost shattered by the howl that came over the wire: "Flynn was murdered an hour ago!" Hite yelled.

How often Benson had come in from school, ill-tempered and sour-visaged at something that had gone wrong in the class-room, only to have that droll face of his father's and some equally droll remark upset all his dignity and indignation into laughter and consequent good nature. "One at a time, boys, just one at a time, or I shall have bustificated eardrums! What is it all about?"

So I put the cotton in." The joyous "hollowing" broke in waves of glee on Aunt Olivia's eardrums. It seemed to be assaulting her heart. Oddly, now it did not sound unmannerly and dreadful. It sounded nice and cheerful. A Plummer, even, might be happy like that. "Cotton is a very strange ex exper'ence, Thomas Jefferson," ran on the little voice.

"No," said the Onondaga. "They will be coming back in response to my call, and I think we would better await them here." They disposed themselves in good order for battle, and then sank to the earth. Light waves of air registered delicately but clearly on those wonderful eardrums of Tayoga's. Faint though the sound was, he understood it. It was the careful tread of men.

In a few minutes, however, the men heard, or rather felt, a low, intense vibration, like a silent wave of sound a vibration which smote upon the eardrums as no possible sound could smite, a vibration which racked the joints and tortured the nerves as though the whole body were disintegrating.

The increased pressure on his eardrums told him they had reached the sanctuary of deeper water where the velocity of bullets would be absorbed before they could strike. He was bewildered. What had happened? Who was shooting? For a moment it crossed his mind that Orvil might be doing the shooting, but he dismissed it.