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Dundas, on the occasion when Fox and Burke called for papers by the aid of which they proposed to demonstrate the iniquity of the scheme by which the ministry proposed to settle the debts of the Nabob of Arcot, pretended that the production of such papers would be indelicate, "that this inquiry is of a delicate nature, and that the state will suffer detriment by the exposure of this transaction."

Among the important measures of his administration was an act preventing the future introduction of slaves, and providing for the freedom of children of slaves then in the province. Governor Simcoe devoted his energy not only to the peopling of the province, but to the opening up of arteries of communication, of which Yonge and Dundas Streets still well-known names were the most noted.

One of his fingers had been frosted last winter, and with the first twinge of cold weather it was beginning to look very red and sad and clumsy, as if it had just remembered its ancient woe; he glanced from it once more at the delicate ringed hand of the stranger. Dundas was looking up with a slow, deferential, decorous smile that nevertheless lightened and transfigured his expression.

A lawyer named Crosbie was denounced merely because he had in the way of his regular business drawn up the Bill intended for Parliament. It was inevitable that the action of intolerance in Scotland should come before the notice of Parliament. Wilkes, always ostentatious in the cause of liberty, called upon Dundas to bring in his relief measure for Scotland.

Right Honorable Henry Dundas. Dundas's committee, No 15. Madras Consultations, 20th July, 1778. Mr. Lord Pigot "I have freed the sanction of this government from so corrupt a transaction.

"How long sence this gate must hev been opened afore?" he said, again looking up at Dundas with a smile. Somehow the words struck a chill to the stranger's heart. The sense of the loneliness of the place, of isolation, filled him with a sort of awe.

Papa, I wonder Saint Jago lets you live." "As Saint Jago is kind enough to leave me in peace, perhaps you will follow his example. What a saint allows my little daughter may accept," said Mr. Dundas mockingly. "No," said Leam with pathetic solemnity, "if the saints forget mamma, I will not." "My dear, you are a fool," said Mr. Dundas.

And now as Roxby looked at him the suspicion which his kind heart had not been quick to entertain was seized upon by his alert brain. "The cunnel's been fooled somehows," he said to himself. For the look with which John Dundas contemplated the place was not the gaze of him concerned with possible investment with the problems of repair, the details of the glazier and the painter and the plasterer.

He was glad that Leam Dundas lived in North Aston, and that he should see her without trouble or overt action; and as he handed Adelaide into her carriage he noticed for the first time that her blue eyes were not quite even, that her flaxen hair had not quite enough color, and that her face, if pure and fair, was slightly insipid.

Unfortunately, he consulted with that military authority, Colonel Dundas, who was unable to restrain his garrulity concerning anything martial. The current report had it that the colonel intended to make his selection of officers from among certain young men of his acquaintance who were serving, or had served, with the National Guard.