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"Too dangerous a service!" replied the countess. "If you succeed, as you hope, who will thank you for it? No one. More than that, if you speak to them of disinterestedness, they will laugh in your face. If the thing fails, on the other hand, who is to pay? You. And they will call you a dunce into the bargain."

"All right, auntie, I won't give you away," Austin assured her. "You'd better tell him what a horrid dunce I am before I come in, and then he won't be so surprised if I do put my foot in it. After all, we're not sure that he's been a traveller. He may be a painter. Lubin says that lots of painters come down here sometimes.

Come, it is time we were off." "I believe I am a dunce," Marion said, slowly. "I think it is going to rain hard; but as I have to go, at home, whether it rains or shines, I suppose I can do it here. But if this were a congregation of respectable city Christians, instead of a set of lunatics, there wouldn't be a dozen out." They found hundreds out, however.

Oliver Goldsmith was regarded as a dunce in his school days, and Daniel Webster was so dull as a school-boy as not to indicate in any way the great abilities he was to display. Humbert was a scapegrace when a youth; at sixteen he ran away from home and was by turns servant to a tradesman at Nancy, a workman at Lyons, and a hawker of rabbit-skins.

I called at the house, and she asked about you Poor girl!" "What do you mean by that?" "You are very smart in some things, but are a stupid dunce in other things. Mildred is like an angel both in looks and everything. I wish I was were half as good." "But how am I such a dunce, Carlia?" "In not seeing how much Mildred thinks of you." "Thinks of me? Mildred?" "She just loves you."

The English are undoubtedly our intellectual superiors; and as the virtues are solely the product of education a rogue being only a dunce considered from another point of view they are our moral superiors likewise. Why should they not be?

"And that He loves good girls, and will watch over them." "Bravo! You beat Plato." "No, sir, I never beat any one, except little Jack Turner; but he is a dunce." "Bah! What else do you teach her?" "That the devil runs away with bad girls, and " "Stop there, Mr. Simcox. Never mind the devil yet a while. Let her first learn to do good, that God may love her; the rest will follow.

Indignant complaints behind the scenes brought no redress; the box-office keeper, who did not know him as yet, said that they had sent orders for two boxes to his paper, and sent him about his business. "I shall speak of the play as I find it," said Lucien, nettled at this. "What a dunce you are!" said the leading lady, addressing the box-office keeper, "that is Coralie's adorer."

'Very well said, Nita. Then it was wrong of me to be friendly, and right of him to make a dunce of himself. 'Perhaps if you had ever felt as he does, Freda, you might make some excuse for him. 'I am sure you must have been in love a hundred times, you are so sentimental, and would like to see him run away with me. 'Quite wrong again.

The fellows I licked deserved what they got and I deserved what I got for breaking rules. I've always broken rules. I may have broken laws most of us have. My father is wealthy. The last time I saw him he said I was incorrigible and a dunce. I admit the former, but I'm going to make him take the other back. I told him so. He replied that he was from Missouri.