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Updated: August 6, 2024

"All right," I says, "I don't want nothing more out of YOU than just your word I druther have it than another man's kiss-the-Bible." She smiled and reddened up very sweet, and I says, "If you don't mind it, I'll shut the door and bolt it." Then I come back and set down again, and says: "Don't you holler. Just set still and take it like a man.

The judge and the widow went to law to get the court to take me away from him and let one of them be my guardian; but it was a new judge that had just come, and he didn't know the old man; so he said courts mustn't interfere and separate families if they could help it; said he'd druther not take a child away from its father. So Judge Thatcher and the widow had to quit on the business.

'Ther's one thing I hate, Uncle El continued. 'That's the idee o hevin' the woodshed an' barn an' garret full o' them infernal wash bilers. Ye can't take no decent care uv a hoss there 'n the stable' they're so piled up. One uv 'em tumbled down top o' me t'other day. 'Druther 'twould a been a panther. Made me s'mad I took a club an' knocked that biler into a cocked hat. 'Tain't right!

"'Druther drink out of a tin er jest a fruit-can with the top knocked off er er er a gourd," he added in a zestful, reminiscent tone of voice, that so heightened my impatient thirst that I reached the spring-house fairly in a run.

"All right," I says, "I don't want nothing more out of YOU than just your word I druther have it than another man's kiss-the-Bible." She smiled and reddened up very sweet, and I says, "If you don't mind it, I'll shut the door and bolt it." Then I come back and set down again, and says: "Don't you holler. Just set still and take it like a man.

"Hain't you got a pair a little mite broader across the toes?" asked the woman. "Stand up and stamp in 'em, Johnny." So Johnny stood up and stamped in the new shoes. "Real hard," said his mother. So he stamped real hard. "I'd druther have another pair a mite broader," said the woman, discontentedly. "I showed you some broader ones," said old Mr. Beebe.

A body lives in Paris, but a body, only stays here. I dote on Paris; I'd druther scrimp along on ten thousand dollars a year there, than suffer and worry here on a real decent income." Miss Gashly "Well then, I wish you'd take us back, mother; I'm sure I hate this stoopid country enough, even if it is our dear native land." Miss Gashly "Sister, I should think you'd be ashamed of yourself!"

Jim said he reckoned I would believe him next time. And he said that handling a snake-skin was such awful bad luck that maybe we hadn't got to the end of it yet. He said he druther see the new moon over his left shoulder as much as a thousand times than take up a snake-skin in his hand.

" 'Druther drink out of a tin er jest a fruit-can with the top knocked off er er er a gourd," he added in a zestful, reminiscent tone of voice, that so heightened my impatient thirst that I reached the spring-house fairly in a run.

Thinkright said I might let her git stove on a rock, and he'd druther I'd wait." "Very well, Minty, to-morrow we shall begin making up for lost time. Let them watch us." Cap'n Lem soon appeared, and the five made a happy supper party. During the meal the clouds lightened and the rain abated. Mrs. Lem would not hear to Sylvia's assisting in clearing away, but sent her upstairs to unpack her trunk.

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