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Updated: August 1, 2024

The sarjint says I wor droonk, but I worn't, sor; though somehows or t'other I thinks it must have been rhum I wor drinkin' at the rendywoo an' not tay as Bridget telled me at the toime, sayin' it wor good fur the stummick an' wud kape the cowld out!" "I don't believe a word of your story," I heard the doctor answer to this long and circumstantial yarn. "Why, Macan, you're drunk now!"

Coom awa', coom awa'. In wi 'un, doon beside the fire; tak' a soop o' thot. Dinnot say a word till thou'st droonk it a'! Oop wi' it, mun. Ding! but I'm reeght glod to see thee.

Yo're afraid o' mae, Ally, because yo've 'eard I haven't always been as sober as I might bae; but yo're nat 'aalf as afraid o' mae, droonk or sober, as yo' are of yore awn faather. Yo' dawn't think I s'all bae 'aalf as 'ard an' crooil to yo' as yore faather is. She doosn't, Mr. Cartaret, an' thot's Gawd's truth." "I protest," said the Vicar. "Yo' stond baack, sir. It's for 'er t' saay."

"Me droonk now, sor?" repeated the other in a tone of mingled sorrow and solemnity. "Faith I'm as sobher as a jidge this very minnit, as I'm a livin' sinner!" "Don't tell me any more of your lies!" cried out the doctor irascibly at this juncture, interrupting what further asservation the corporal might have made in support of his unblushing assertion.

"Say, Joblins," he called out, as he was going to light his pipe to have a smoke forwards, we boys having set out the spittoons for the men along the `'tween decks, "got your grog all right, old ship?" "Oh ay," answered the other. "I'se droonk un." "But I means yer second 'lowance." "Hay?" said Mr Johnny Raw, his eyes beginning to visibly brighten. "What fur be that?"

This, with the most thrilling emphasis. "That's very sad! But you can't say you never had a father," persisted Helmsley. "You had him before he was drowned?" "No, I 'adn't," said Prue. "'E never comed 'ome at all. When 'e seed me 'e didn't know me, 'e was that blind droonk.

Oi've told my mates you want to have me and the old woman oop at th' house, and they'll know that if I stop underground it be o' my own choice. I know, lad, it wouldn't be roight for me to be a getting droonk at the "Chequers" and thou manager; but I ha' told t' old 'ooman that I will swear off liquor altogether." "No, no, dad!"

It was difficult not to laugh at this statement, Prue's eyes were so round, her cheeks were so red, and she breathed so spasmodically as she spoke. David Helmsley bit his lips to hide a broad smile, and poured out his tea. "Have you no father?" "No, never 'ad," declared Prue, quite jubilantly. "'E droonk 'isself to death an' tumbled over a cliff near 'ere one dark night an' was drowned!"

"Why, not a moment ago you swore you hadn't tasted a drop of anything but tea alone since yesterday." "Faith, yer honner, I didn't know it wor rhum till too late, sor. I sware, sor, I droonk it out av a taypot." "Out of a teapot, man?"

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