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Updated: August 13, 2024

It is very possible probable, indeed that there may have been some ground for this remarkable legend; not that it is to be credited that the family of Eldredge, being reckoned among sane men, would seriously have sought, years and generations after the fact, for the first track of those bloody footsteps which the first rain of drippy England must have washed away; to say nothing of the leaves that had fallen and the growth and decay of so many seasons, that covered all traces of them since.

Supper was waiting at Applegate Farm, Ken knew, but the pie which was a cherry one, drippy and delectable was not to be resisted, after long hours on the water. He bit into it heartily as he left Asquam and swung into Pickery Lane. He hurried along, still wrapped in the atmosphere which had surrounded him all day.

We walked farther, sat now and then under other drippy trees, and at last decided that we must slide home, by that time soaked to the skin, and I minus the heel to one shoe. I had just got myself out of the bath and into dry clothes when the telephone rang. It was Carl. Could he come over to the house and spend the rest of the afternoon? It was then about four-thirty.

Now there is one thing common to all the newly arrived in France, be they Y. M. C. A. secretaries, Knights of Columbus workers, Red Cross men, or just the common garden variety of "investigators," and that is that for about two weeks they are alert to hear the bloodiest, most drippy, and desolate-with-danger stories that they can hear, for the high and holy purpose of writing back home to their favorite paper, or to their wives or sweethearts, of how near they were to getting killed; of how the bombs fell just a few minutes before or just a few minutes after they were "on that very spot"; of how the raid came the very night after they were in London or Paris; of how just after they had walked along a certain street the Big Bertha had dropped a shell there; of how the night after they had slept in a certain hotel down in Nancy the Germans blew it up.

We read it solemnly and then tiptoed up to Hogboom with it. He turned pale when he saw the yellow slip. "What is it?" he asked hurriedly. "How did it happen?" "You were drowned, Hoggy, old boy," Wilkins said. "Drowned in your little old Weeping Water River. They have got you now and you're all damp and drippy, and your best girl is having one hysteric after another.

She had been given a costume of blue silk in exchange for her own dress, and the silk was so thin that the moisture easily wetted it. "Never mind," said Cap'n Bill. "When it's a case of life 'n' death, clo's don't count for much. I'm sort o' drippy myself." Cried the parrot, fluttering his feathers to try to keep them from sticking together,

"Supper," I sniffed as I spread the jam on those lovely, lovely slices of bread and thick butter that I had fixed for my own self. "That apple-toast combination tires me so now that I forget it if I can." As I handed him the first slice of drippy lusciousness I turned my head away. He thought it was from the expression of that jam, but it was from his eyes.

An Eastern tourist would venture out on the windswept and drippy veranda, of a morning after breakfast. He would think he was cold. He would have many of the outward indications of being cold. His teeth would be chattering like a Morse sounder, and inside his white-duck pants his knees would be knocking together with a low, muffled sound.

This the Master was due to discover. On a sloppy and drippy and muggy afternoon, late in October, one of those days nobody wants, the Master came home from town; his fall overcoat showing a decided list to starboard in the shape of an egregiously bulged side-pocket. The Mistress and Lad, as ever, came forth to greet the returning man.

Then, squaring her young shoulders again, she continued: "I don't ask you to believe what I'm going to tell you. But it's all true. It began this way: "One night, six months ago, as Milo and I were sitting on the veranda, we heard a scream a hideous sound it was from the mangrove swamp. And a queer creature in drippy white came crawling out of " "Wait!"

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